Blog Post #11: November 26th

I’ve started working on my capstone project this week, and I’m very excited to get further into my research to create my digital exhibit. After class today, Lorraine walked those of us who are using COVE for our projects through the creation of a gallery exhibit and it got me very excited to start working with the platform. We ran into some problems with inserting images, but thankfully Emma was able to find us a workaround to solve that problem! 

Earlier in class, we looked at the graphic novel reinterpretation of A Christmas Carol. I’m not someone who regularly reads graphic novels, but I found it really interesting comparing the original illustrations by John Leech to reinterpretations of the same scene in the graphic novel. One thing that was particularly interesting to me was how the graphic novel remained relatively consistent with the time period of the novella, but added green and red combinations to several panels to bring in modern Christmas vibes. In a few of the illustrations we looked at (including the feast with the Ghost of Christmas Present and the scene with the extinguishing cap, there are bright green and reds throughout all of the panels which is a relatively modern Christmas colour scheme. It was interesting seeing how the graphic novel used subtle methods like that to make the book fit the expectations of modern readers while still being true to the time period.

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