Judging a Book by its Cover

Today I had the pleasure of looking into the edition of Christina G. Rossetti's Goblin Market with illustrations by Arthur Rackham. With the assistance of Dr. Janzen, I was able to learn that this was not only marketed as a childern's book, but also a collectors piece. I found that extremely interesting, but not surprising, because I am always looking out for the classic children book's of my childhood, to collect and keep and use and display one day , god willling, when I have children of my own. I can understand the market for this book in this sense. I know the degree of collection that I have explained for myself is much less prestigious than true book collectors, but I definetly came to a grand appreciation for this edition that I chose to curate. This excersice taught me that Goblin Market was so much more than just a book, and it was osmething that was loved and it was loved over and over again by new generations of readers and illurtrators who worked with Rossetti's work to make differnt versions. To see how many versions there were, was astounding.  

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Children's Book Collection

There are so many wonderful children's books, amazing for both their artwork and their story line. Maybe you will add Rackham's Goblin Market to your collection some day.