porphyria's lover

This picture comes from the poem written by Robert Browning. This picture shows how love can be a beautiful but deadly thing. This piece of artwork not only tells the story about these two lovers, it just goes to show that toxic love has been a thing since the beginning of love. this piece is worth a thousand words because not only this is a murder scene but because you wonder how can a person love something or someone  so much he kills them or it. Another interesting thing about this artwork is that there are so many ways to look at this because the man could have found out his spouse was unfaithful, and couldn't stand the thought of her being with or loving someone else as much as she loves him. what if the picture is a crime scene from a jack the ripper case. This could be a fatal attraction of some sort. because in the poem it says the man killed his wife because he could stand the thought of losing her but he wasn't losing her because the poem also said the woman was submissive and willing to do what he asked her because she was in love. This picture tells an abundance of stories or it gives 1,000 different ways to look at the way some people love you. Now, my last and final observation of this picture was that power of a Man. I believe this speaks volumes towards all of the problems women faced as well in the Victorian period. This woman who was killed by the love of her life was like every woman no matter what the woman does she's in the wrong. this shows us that the man didn't take responsibility for what he had done as so many men do today in our society he sat with the dead body of his wife because he felt as if he di the right thing by making her stay in the house forever which is what a lot of men feel women should be especially in the victorian age men felt as if the women should just be pretty and make babies , cook, and clean this picture is basically saying let the man do what he wants because  he says " he loves you" even THOUGH he kills the women because he loves her and that makes no sense that shows how men do bad things thinking their intentions are good in their mind but no matter which way you put men can love the life out of the world. Like it is genuinely  impossible to kill someone you love in that way in which it was described in the poem. A significant subject of this sonnet is sexual constraint. The male who recounts this story is a helpless cottager getting a visit from a rich, fair lady above him in a societal position who needs him as her darling. She makes her sexual longing understood. The storyteller reacts to this with want of his own.also in the story it tells us that porphyrias hair is a symbol of angelic purity, now i don't know for sure if the writer was throwing shots at od but that's what it seems like. as if the pure and good was actually nonexistent because she came to her lover's house with impure intentions on her mind or intercourse maybe and that reason for her going is the same reason that got her killed. Another thing to think about is the man being so insecure that he killed her for no reason and he couldn't even begin to realize what he had actually done and that's why he never thought to just leave the body there.  and that's why he never thought to just leave the body there. the man wanted to be loved forever and he felt as if he were to kill her and she died in that moment of loving him ; to him that mean she'll love him for forever but little did he know forever is never going to be forever which is why when he killed her he realized that he had made a mistake. that no matter what he does he cant bring her back he cant make her feel that way again he can't love someone who isn't there and think when came to that realization . It was too late she was gone and there was nothing more he could do. He couldn't even be loved. I'm pretty sure he was upset with himself  after coming to that painful conclusion. It's really hard to give you just one chain of events based on this photo. the more that i look at the picture it just screams out to me that the man didn't really love her, i believe that the man wanted control and he knew he could not control her because she was of a higher class then he. this is a little off topic but as a man it can be attractive when a women has more power or of a higher social class to SOME men but then there are other men who can't let go of their ego and they feel as if men are more superior no matter the social class, they feel as if the women should be beneath them not only in this poem, in life, in intercousrse , in anything you want to think of. men feel as if they do no wrong and we all know from this story alone that. this couldn't be any further from the truth because unlike women. men can love you and still beat you, rape, etc. im sorry but if you love someone you would never do anything to cause them pain mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  in no way shape or form do you want to hurt that person. so the man could not have loved porphyria. maybe jealous of what she had going for herself and he was just an average joe. 

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