Reflection- Week 5

This was an interesting class. It was fun to see how Goblin Market was reprinted and redesigned to fit so many formats and appeal to such various audiences. I've read this poem in a previous class before and would not have expected it to be curated in a way to appeal to children. The fact that this story was redesigned through the years to go from something for children to read to being a part of Playboy is such an interesting and unexpected concept. With a few changes of the images, even if the text was printed in full and remained unchanged, this poem was now an appropriate children's tale. This was something I did not expect since the poem is so explicit and does have a lot of erotic references in the words. It was cool to look at how big an influence on the story these illustrations hold to how this poem is recieved. As well, I've also explored the exhibit that was presented to us today in previous courses but it was fun to look exclusively at this one piece by Rosetti. 

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