Response Blog 8 (Nov 19)

Prior to this course, I had only briefly encountered the Annancy Stories so it was a joy to be able to engage with them by focusing entirely on the visual aspect.  It was nice to finally engage with a text by a black nineteenth-century author.  I was surprised at the differences in the visuals compared to other texts we've engaged within this course.  The lines seemed cleaner and more distinct.  I noticed that any colouring was solid, no shading was used which emphasize those distinct lines.  Closer to the end of Emma's presentation, she pointed out the villiage in the background and the black smudges surrounding the houses; I'd assume they're meant to represent trees or any foliage that you'd find Jamaica.  I was, however, interested in all the tiny little lines spread out in front of the village.  I can only assume those were meant to represent sugar cane and that the surrounding village was part of a plantation, a subtle nod to the slavery and injustice imposed on Jamaicans for generations.

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