Weekly Post

Out of all the readings I have done for this course, I found Oscar Wilde’s Salome to be the most difficult. I felt that the text, as well as the images were complicated and rooted in symbolism. I found the presentations today to be very helpful in understanding this symbolism. I saw a lot of gender representation throughout the illustrations, weather that be through non-conforming gender or a character very specifically being a man or a woman. I also thought the use of nudity was very interesting, especially considering the taboo around sexuality in the Victorian era. Overall, in terms of text/image/context I was able to see how the illustrations and the story work to challenge conforming ideologies during the time in which it was published. I also did not enjoy the trailer for the movie. I felt as though it did not capture the essence of the story or the images. Although we were just exposed to a brief clip, I did not feel a connection of sense of coherence between the movie, the text and the illustrations. I think it would be interesting to watch the whole film and see how it was developed by the director in order to stay true to the way Oscar Wilde wrote and Aubrey Beardsley illustrated.

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