Fahimah Hamidavi's blog

Blog Post #2: September 17th

This weeks class was really intriguing to me in a couple of ways. As I mentioned in my blog post last week, I have already read Dickens’ A Christmas Carol a few times, though I didn’t focus much energy on the images in the novella. Doing some more research this week on those images to find out who illustrated them and how he did so was really interesting. I am looking forward to analyzing these illustrations more next week when after rereading the book with more attention to the images. 

Blog Post #1: September 10th

After this first class, I am excited to get into these texts and analyze the relationship between the words and illustrations. I don't have a lot of experience with analyzing images, so I am a little bit anxious about doing so, but I think it will be fun! I admit that while I have read A Christmas Carol numerous times, I have never payed much attention to the illustrations while reading, usually just glossing over them quickly and moving on.


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