Lindsay Hickman's blog

Bibi and Mental Health

While Bibi takes the place of Bertha as the Mad Woman in the Attic in Lindner's version of Jane, it seems even more cruel than the treatment of Bertha. Schizophrenia is not a disease that one should be locked in an attic, west wing, or room for. It is a stigmatized, often misrepresented chronic disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health Schizophrenia is a "chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality.

Purposeful Mis-Naming of Main Character

In both Jane Eyre and The Flight of Gemma Hardy characters repeatedly call the main characters by a wrong name. But while in Jane Eyre it seems to be a mis-name, or a pet name, In The Flight of Gemma Hardy it is very purposeful. Gemma changes her name to Jean after leaving Sinclair and begin searching for a job. She not only changes her name, but increases her age on job applications and creates more or less a false identity. From this point on the story and Jane Eyre differ greatly.

Locations of Jane Eyre

While I knew after our class last week that location was indeed important in the novel, I did not realize how much Bronte jumps all over Great Britian, and even in France. (I tried to add points on the map, but nothing would save, so I thought I would create a list with the different locations I've read about in the book.) The counties that are the main subjects of the novel are Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Derbyshire.

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