"A Curious Dance Round a Curious Tree" by Charles Dickens

A Curious Dance Round a Curious Tree

In 1851 Charles Dickens published an article in a magazine called Household Words. Dickens interviewed mambers of the staff, Doctors who treated patients, and inquired about their treatment of the patients. He writes "These practitioners of old, would seem to have been, without knowing it, early homeopathists; their motto must have been Similia similibus cuantur; they believed that the most violent and certain means of driving a man mad, were the only hopeful means of restoring him to reason." (Dickens 1851)


Works Cited:

'A curious dance round a curious tree': Charles Dickens' visit to a mental hospital, Christmas 1851

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

circa. 1851 to circa. 1852