Entertainment in The Albert Palace

The Albert Palace is a place in A City Girl that Jack, Nelly, George, and Mr. Grant go to on their day off. At Albert Palace, citizens were able to visit and spectate a good number of different activities like exhibitions, theatrical and dance performances, gardens, and various other entertainments (57). The building is located in Battersea, in the borough of Wandsworth, London. One of the main attractions of the Palace was its gardens. They were designed by Sir Edward Lee with terraces standing next to the main Prince of Wales Road entrance. The gardens contained many different features like fountains, a conservatory, and a bandstand. The Albert Palace interested me because it was one of the only places that I saw in the readings where the lower class characters were congregating for pleasure. In books like Mary Barton, the characters were too poor to afford any form of entertainment. It was cool to see the situation for citizens that were in the upper half of the working class like Nelly and George. 


Wikipedia contributors. "The Albert Palace." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 9 Mar. 2020. Web.


Harkness, Margaret. A City Girl, edited by Tabitha Sparks. Broadview editions 1887.

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