French Revolution

The French Revolution was one of the major events and a turning point in history. The reasons behind the revolution was that there was international affairs meaning that the "empire outstrips the fiscal resources of the state". Another one is political conflict which is the people's disagreement and the taxes that they laid on them. The Enlightenment was another big part of this. It introduces a "good government" which is talked about in Rousseau's Social Contract. Then there was King Louis XVI who was unreasonable to his people. People started to revolt against the government and King which soon led the king being executed by his own people.  It may be called the French Revolution, but it still affected other countries like England. Thomas Paine, an England writer, wrote a book around the time of the revolution called The Rights of Man. The book talks about how a revolution is a right thing when the government can't protect their people. Paine's book was also arguing with Edmund Burke at the time because Edmund believed that revolutions were wrong. Back on the topic though, Paine believes in this thing called "Natural Rights". This is a quote from Thomas Paine about Natural Rights:

"Natural Rights are those which always appertain to man in right of his existence. Of this kind are all the intellectual rights, or rights of the mind, and also all those rights of acting as an individual for his own comfort and happiness, which are not injurious to the rights of others."

Paine is saying that man should have control of their own body. That they shouldn't need someone to tell them on how they should live their life, or what ruler that they should be worshipping. Every human being works in different ways . This is what Thomas Paine was trying to get at, and this is why he supported the French Revolution. He liked how he saw the citizens over in French stand up for their rights. This all ties into romanticism because this focuses on human nature. Some people like how the country is being ran, but there are other people that want change. I get that a lot of people can't agree all on one thing, but people will soon start sensing when things are getting bad when they know they are getting treated unfairly.

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