Haring and Queerness

National Coming Out Day Logo

Keith Haring is one of the most influential pop artists of the 20th century. Through his art, he aimed to educate and advocate for safe sex and AIDS awareness. In 1988, Haring created an iconic image of a yellow figure opening a door for National Coming Out Day, which is still used today. That same year, he was diagnosed with AIDS. A year later, he started the Keith Haring Foundation to help fund organizations educating and spreading awareness about AIDS.

Haring chose to face his illness with art, creating an insane amount of it. His main focus became making pieces depicting sexual acts and phallic line drawings. The point of these drawings was to bring awareness to AIDS and safe sex. In 1989, Haring exposed his life story to the public eye and told Rolling Stone what it was like to live with AIDS to combat backlash and stigma surrounding his illness. 

At a time when AIDS was being scrutinized by the public and being queer was generally met with violence, Haring was an incredible social activist. He was unapologetic and proud of his identity and turned his fear of his illness into courage. While he was praised by some for being so brave, he also lost friends and connections in the celebrity sphere who felt ashamed of him. 

Fields, Liz. “Facing death from AIDS, Keith Haring kept creating.” PBS, 19 Nov 2020, https://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/facing-death-from-aids-keith-haring-kept-creating/16169/. Accessed 31 March 2024. 

Haring, Keith. National Coming Out Day logo, 1988. https://opentable.lgbt/our-blog/2022/2/2/lgbt-history-month-meet-keith-haring-pop-artist-and-aids-awareness-advocate#:~:text=In%201988%2C%20Haring%20designed%20the,about%20AIDS%20through%20his%20art. Accessed 31 March 2024. 

“LGBT+ History Month - Meet Keith Haring, Pop Artist and AIDS Awareness Advocate.” Open Table Network, 27 Mar. 2024, https://opentable.lgbt/our-blog/2022/2/2/lgbt-history-month-meet-keith-haring-pop-artist-and-aids-awareness-advocate#:~:text=In%201988%2C%20Haring%20designed%20the,about%20AIDS%20through%20his%20art. Accessed 31 March 2024.

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

circa. 1988 to circa. 1989