The Industrial Revolution: The Portable Steam Engine

Railways and trains during the Industrial Revolution brought about a great change throughout Britain.  Railways began to expand and more people began to use trains as transportation from city to city.   The revolution in steam engines started with the Newcomen engine which was invented to help pump water out of mines instead of using horses to do the work.  This engine used atmospheric pressure to push the pistons in the engine down.  Later another engine would be created by James Watt in order to create a more efficient way of creating energy.  Watt realized that the Necomen engine wasted a lot of steam and he realized that he could fix this by making a seperate condenser.  These two inventions lead to the invention of the portable steam engine that was invented in 1828 by The firm of Maudslay, Sons and Field. This made it easier to use an engine in agricultural areas and used for smaller machines.  People could use it for one machine on a farm and then take it to another machine when they needed to because it was portable.  Steam engines made a big difference in the world during the Victorian time and started the revolution for the engines and machines that we have today.



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