jack the ripper

we were talking about the women being protected today in class women were the victims of all of the jack the ripper cases. so when we were talking aout patmores views on women and how he basically says leave all of the dirty work up to the men i.e providing, fighting, protecting. women should just be pretty and steer clear thats basically what hes saying by his view on a womens place in society. now with that being said women were being driven out of the only place they known to be home for being pregnant out of wedlock, women are forced on to the street and basically have to survive on their own so theyll do whatever to survive prostitution, being escorts, being belittled by a man just to have a place to stay all of these things. now think about this all of jack the rippers victims were prostitues and people who he felt like werent worth looking for. and when these families of these women and mothers kicked them out they threw the women to the streets and thats where jack the ripper caught and killed most of his victims in back alley ways and dark allies who would be there other then homeless people and prostitutes. 

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

The end of the month Summer 1888