Jane Austen Moves to Chawton House

Jane Austen's Chawton House

Jane Austen moved to the small village of Chawton with her mother, sister, and family friend/best friend Martha Lloyd, on July 7, 1809. Jane spent the last eight years of her life in this house after it was given to the four ladies to share by Edward Austen, one of several brothers in the Austen family. The house is now a major tourist site for Austen enthusiasts, treated as a museum with portraits of the family and various items once belonging to Jane or significant in the history of her life displayed throughout. The house was also the site of Austen's fervent writing -- here is where she was able to revise what is now Sense and Sensibility and eventually get it published. Here is also where she began and completed Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion before her health began to decline. The other parts of novels finished but not completed by her own hand, such as Sanditon, were also worked on here in Chawton. Some of the letters and lines of poetry that remain to detail Jane's thoughts concerning the house and her living there are positive. The neighborhood was known to be small and the lifestyle of the women humble but overall understated and comfortable.

Johnson, Ben. “The Real Jane Austen.” Historic UKhttps://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/The-Real-Jane-Austen/#:~:text=From....

“Jane Austen: A Life.” Jane Austen's House, OPENCULTU.RE, 20 July 2022, https://janeaustens.house/jane-austen-a-life/.

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

7 Jul 1809 to 18 Jul 1817

Parent Chronology: