Jane Austen's Literary Career Earns Her an Income During Her Lifetime

"[Jane Austen] had not expected to make any money from [Sense and Sensibility]; but the first printing sold out quickly, and she earned a small sum from the copyright. Sense and Sensibility was well received, as was her second novel, Pride and Prejudice, when it was finally published by Thomas Egerton in 1813. By the time her third novel, Mansfield Park, appeared in 1814, she was receiving a respectable income from her literary endeavors" (Klackle page?).

Klackle, Natalie. "Jane Austen." Orientalist Writers, edited by Coeli Fitzpatrick and Dwayne A. Tunstall, Gale, 2012. Dictionary of

Literary Biography Vol. 366. Gale Literature Resource Center,

https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/H1200014301/LitRC?u=sand82993&sid=LitRC&xid=548e9125. Accessed 14 Oct. 2020.

Associated Place(s)


Event date:

1813 to 1814

Parent Chronology: