La Belle Dame sans Merci Painting 2

La Belle Dame sans Merci is once again a title of a poem that is based upon John Keats poem. This work is a painting by Dicksee Frank. The medium is an oil on canvas. This painting was painted in a Pre-Raphaelite style. The colors are vivid and smooth.

This painting is helpful in showing how the painter interprets a part of John Keat's poem. The visual representation helps us to better understand the poem and one way of interpreting the poem. This Pre-Raphaelite painting is airy and soft. The knight has placed the faery on his steed, giving her a place of authority and importance in his life.  As the Faery sits on the Knight's horse, she seems to be drawing him in for a kiss. She has power over the Knight and has him in a trance where she will lead him for her cave.

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

circa. 1901 to circa. Winter 1901

Event Source: