Map of Whitechapel Murder Locations

This map identifies the exact locations of women who were gruesomely murdered in Whitechapel, London in the East End. There were knowingly 11 murders committed during the time of April 3, 1888, and February 13th, 1891. The murders were known as the " Whitechapel Murders". Many of the women who were murdered during the time of these killings were prostitutes or fallen women in the 19th century. The stories and details of the killings show that not only were these women murdered but they were not killed instantly, These women had been beaten, stabbed, mutilated, and strangled. It was shown how Jack the Ripper (the name given to the serial killer) never had any motives of killing these prostitutes but however one may conclude that he could have also been a moral crusade that wanted to destroy the world of immoral and unethical vice. However, the narrator in Porphyria's lover could also further their argument in the same direction. The narrator intruded that killing Porphyria was not only something that felt right but he also configures that even though he killed Porphyria God was silent. I believe the intention of Jack the Ripper and the narrator could insinuate that they both did the work of God as they killed those who lived unethically and non morally lives. 

Associated Place(s)
