Scramble for Africa

The Scramble for Africa was the large push by European countries to colonize Africa between the 1880s and the first World War. A large cause for this mass colonization was the availability of market resources. The European countries that participated in this event were France, Great Britain, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Portugal. The rivalries between these European countries was also fuel for this endeavor. The resources and land available in Africa would provide them with different advantages against the rivals. The United States also took part; however, they only colonized Liberia under the leadership of the American Colonization Society that sought to use the land for free slaves to immigrate to. This event and the competition that arose was a major factor that led to the breakout of World War I. As India was a colony of Britain, its economy was likely affected by the scramble. Therefore, Haimabati Sen’s life was likely indirectly affected by this, especially with its contribution to the beginning of the First World War in which India was allied with the UK. 


“Scramble for Africa.” Scramble for Africa - New World Encyclopedia.

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

1885 to 1914