Visiting Jane's Past Home, Chapters 21-25

Jane Eyre's Aunt was ill, and therefore she left Thornfield, for what was supposed to be for a week. When she talked to her ill Aunt, at first she was still extremely rude, but instead of being hateful, Jane decided just to leave and come back to talk to her aunt when she was not in such a mindspace and excused herself. When she finally returned to talk to her aunt after avoiding her, her aunt explained why she was so rude, and Jane even accepted her apology and stayed by her side until her death. This shows how Jane is still devleoping as a character, where as if she would have been wirtten by a man, she would have probably been desceased. When she returned, she expressed her feelings for Mr. Rochester and stood up for what she cared about, and as a result, she ended up getting engaged to Mr. Rochester. She then talks back to Mr. Rochester about how she thinks he will be as a husband which is undoubtably unheard of. 

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

May 1847