(YouTuber) Jane is born

The Jane of The Autobiography of Jane Eyre web series is very modern by the standards of the hypotext, of course, but also relative to the other hypertexts. Her birth year is estimated to be 1992 based on episode 45, "The Crux" in which Jane announces that she's not yet twenty-two. Since that episode was published in 2013, simple subtraction puts her birth in 1992, making Jane firmly a millennial. 

The generation of each reimagined “Jane” is important to each remediation's narrative, plot, and character histories. This is especially relevant for YouTuber Jane, because the era of her birth places her just on the cusp of being a technological native and makes the entire storytelling device of vlogging/multimedia storytelling possible. This Jane is the only “Jane” studied for whom the written word isn't the preeminent method of storytelling and recording her life. The conceit of the vlog is also unique, in that it presents Jane’s story as if it were unfolding live (or almost live) in serialized installments. This is a wholly different type of narration than that of Jane Eyre, which gives the impression of being narrated from the distant future.  

Hall, Alysson and Nessa Aref. "The Crux." YouTube, uploaded by Jane Eyre, 27 November 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ-A4rf3RG8&list=PL3NxAiyc-89HP3wHV2y5mbwi2TidvocKZ&index=49.

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