Yul Brynner's Secret
When Yul Brynner was first trying to pursue an acting career, he needed to do something to make money so he decided to model. George Platt Lynes hired Brynner to pose nude for photographs (therake.com). The article suggests that Brynner, at one time, had a friend, and “their relationship sparked lifelong rumors of Brynner’s bisexuality” (therake.com). Brynner was rumored to have been bisexual, Lynes was also gay and many of his photographs were of nude men. At the time, being gay was seen as a bad thing and many people had to hide it in fear of others finding out, and what they would do to them just for being gay and loving who they wanted to love. By posing nude for Lynes, Brynner could have potentially lost his chance at an acting career and much worse, since the laws at the time prohibited someone from being gay.