An African American Women's Voice


  An artwork that I chose to focus on is a portrait of , I chose to focus on this women, because she was actually one of the ones who planned and participated in the Mongomery Bus Boycott. She was the one of the first females to be arrested for the bus boycott four days after Rosa Parks. The portrait was actually drawn from her mugshot and there are many more mugshot portraits in the muesum of African American History and Culture that are showing all the individuals who were arrested due to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The poem I chose to correlate with this artwork is a poem titled, “A Women Speaks” by Audre Lorde, this poem details how it feels to be a women and how her voice can carry and can be super impactful, and in this poem she is describing how men are treating women and making women feel like their voices are inferior but the whole idea of the poem is to show women or more specifically African American women that their voices do matter and that their voices can be heard and can travel over many people’s ears. In the poem there are two lines that stick out and show just how impactful a women’s voice can be, she says, “I have been woman for a long time beware my smile I am treacherous…” as well as, “I am women and not white.” When it comes to these two lines, these lines really do show the impact that a women’s voice and even presence can produce. Women are immensely powerful, and she shows that. The reason this poem and artwork go so well together is because the artwork shows just how powerful a women can be and just how powerful her words can be, because when she said no to moving and refused to move seats, she was then arrested, but she helped spark the movement of non-segregation within schools as well as public transportation.



“Euretta F. Adair.” National Museum of African American History and Culture, Accessed 6 May 2024.

Associated Place(s)


  • Thomas
  • Lava

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