Created by Emily Crider on Tue, 02/04/2025 - 12:23
Page 20 of EBB's manuscript of "The African."
Accession #: EBB MSS, D0015.1
"And oh! that frown, itself a storm
"Still scowls upon me terribly!" . . .
"Whose frown, what foolery is this?"
"Yes, hear me Austin, it was his,
"The terror of the forests, he
"Who burst his bonds, and to be free
"Rushed to the woods, – the voice of fame
"Has told [you] thee Orenzebe’s name" ––
"What! Orenzebe! 'tis not now
"The hour, old man, to bend [your] thy brow.
"In fear – time passes – let [your] thy tale
"Be brief."
"It shall, and I will speak.
"Ere yesterdays last fond ray faded
"And ere pale night the soft sky shaded
"The plantain vale I seek –
"There to walk my nightly round
"Oh! ‘twas a sweet celestial ev'n!
"No breeze, no breath, no earthly sound
"In the still, silent plains of air
"Was heard, & one lone distant star
"Shone in the azure depths of yon bright Heav’n.
"I sat a moment, but to raise
"My failing strength – & once to gaze
"On that fair, benignant scene
"So lone, so lovely, & serene,
"When bursting from the sombre wood
"He rushed – and even before me stood!
"Oh there was something in his eye
"Which bade me neither fight, or fly
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Timeline of Events Associated with "The African," Page 20
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- Elizabeth Barrett Browning