Created by Emily Crider on Tue, 02/04/2025 - 12:26
Page 22 of EBB's manuscript of "The African."
Accession #: EBB MSS, D0015.1
Towards that Heav’n of love he glanced
That sky of happiness and rest
With reverence, faith, & hope, refined
By patient grief, and modest grace
At once fired, fortified, resigned –
And Heav’n reflected on his face
Beams mildly from his large dark eye
Which trembles yet in ecstasy.
"Old man, thou shalt not, oh no, no!
"Thou shalt not die, I – I will go!
"Myself his supper will prepare
"Myself the savage Chief will dare
"Myself." . . .
"No Austin, venture not
"Or death will be, thy hapless lot
"Be it for the youthful and the brave,
(Nay check the fervor of thine eye)
"To strive, to conquer, & to save
"But 'tis for age and want to die"
"For age and want! and who shall bless
"Thy offspring’s infant helplessness
"And who shall check thy consorts tear
"When thou, no more, old man, art here
"To aid, to comfort, & to cheer?
"My master loves me, should I not
"His love, his kindness repay?
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Timeline of Events Associated with "The African," Page 22
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- Elizabeth Barrett Browning