"The African," Page 24


Page 24 of EBB's manuscript of "The African."
Accession #: EBB MSS, D0015.1

Yes Austin thou has met thy foe –
As that wild, warlike din may shew –
Of muttered threats, and weapons crashing
Shout on shout, & blow on blow
Thy whole soul from that dark eye flashing – !
And Orenzebe might withstand
The glorious vigor of thy hand,
But ’tis not to that proud clay given
To strive with one, who trusts in Heaven!
But braving yet his generous foe,
His strong arm thundered blow on blow –
Scorning life that slavery gave
Bent that life’s foe to repel –
To gain fame, glory, or a grave!
He struggling raged, & striving fell!
He fell, he fell! – his glaring eye
Flashed powerless vengeance on that sky –
Then sunk, despairing, turned away
And seemed in horrid mirth to sneer
Upon the once proud, abject clay –
And in that scoff so wild. . so drear. .
Earth awed, received his last, last groan
And death’s last anguish checked its tone!

And Austin passed, [to] from that deep glade,
And from his thick lash 'long black shade
The sacred drops of manly woe
In quick succession flow –
And glorious valors self [illegible] forgave
The bright tear of that noble eye –
Which fell upon a foe’s lone grave,
When pity claimed a generous sigh!

Associated Place(s)

Timeline of Events Associated with "The African," Page 24


  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Image Date: 

circa. 1820s