Created by Emily Crider on Tue, 02/04/2025 - 12:37
Page 26 of EBB's manuscript of "The African."
Accession #: EBB MSS, D0015.1
No more – they could not feel such misery. . . . . . . .
And she is here – and that cold thing is he – !
And fast, and faster from her throat,
The sob convulsive heaves –
And loud, and louder it bereaves
Almost the swelling heart of breath —— !
Oh would that that responsive note
Would calm those agonies in death —— !
And in that sob, her feelings speak
Till anguish – grief – their vengeful strife —
Despair’s pang – misery – and life
Burst in one long wild shriek! – . !
Oh ‘twas a tone of agony!
It paused – and silence seemed more still,
For in that loud, that desolate cry,
Her pulse grew chill — !
And thou art dead! and one lone grave
Contains thy lovely form,
And he who savage [illegible] bade thee brave
[Illegible] Afflictions pitiless storm!
And she is dead! & from yon skies
Her best, her last, her happiest home –
The Virgin moon is wont to rise,
Beaming from that lovely blue,
So sweetly mild, so gently bright; —
And sheds her wat’ry beams of light
[Illegible] Silvering the pearly dew
Which gently falls on Affa’s tomb!
Associated Place(s)
Timeline of Events Associated with "The African," Page 26
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- Elizabeth Barrett Browning