Cool title for your Docent project

This timeline provides a sociohistorical context for XXX” where XXX is the name of the artist, year of the art piece’s creation, and name of the art piece, e.g., Frederic Leighton’s 1895 Flaming June.




Chronological table

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Date Event Created by Associated Places
Summer 1950 to Summer 1960

Event 1

Mr Sebastian
Mr Sebastian

paste your description of the event and any sources used to find that information.

Include an image pertinent to the event in the IMAGE section (it could possibly be one that compares/contrasts with your assigned image)

Doug Page
Autumn 1980

Event 2

Sammy & Smokey looking out the front door
Sammy & Smokey looking out the front door

paste your description of the event and any sources used to find that information.

Include an image pertinent to the event in the IMAGE section (it could possibly be one that compares/contrasts with your assigned image)

Doug Page
Winter 2000

Event 3

Sleepy Sam
Sleepy Sam

paste your description of the event and any sources used to find that information.

Include an image pertinent to the event in the IMAGE section (it could possibly be one that compares/contrasts with your assigned image)

Doug Page
1 Spring 2024

My Docent Story

The reason that I offered that background concerning those three events is because it helps me to explain what Title of your Art Piece was doing socially/culturally and/or politically when Name of your Artist created it.” This discussion should ANALYZE the art, using what you have learned about the time & people involved in it. The final thing to include is MLA citations for ALL MATERIALS used.

Doug Page