CORE Arrives at the Scene


This image is from July 19, 1964  when tensions between the NYPD and rioters increased as protests and riots continued.  The crowds called for the arrest of Gilligan as they were met with shards of glass and garbage lids thrown from residents of rooftops above them, and the swinging clubs of officers. 

This image of protesters storming through armed and helmeted officers illustrates the anger of civilians of the Harlem Community. Infuriated by the wrongful murder of an innocent fifteen year old African American in an act of police brutality, they stormed the streets of the city calling for discipline action against the NYPD as well as the arrest of the officer who killed James Powell. This image is eerily familiar to events continuing today, as police brutality continues against Black Americans. 


New York's 'Night Of Birmingham Horror' Sparked A Summer Of Riots : Code Switch : NPR

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