Devilman Crybaby


This image is from the animated show Devilman Crybaby. In this scene the main character's little sister and brother have been slaughtered by the town because it was found out that the main character was a "monster". So they raided their home, maimed their bodies and placed the parts of their bodies on spikes, dancing around as their house is burning in the background. We see the main character's reaction as he comes across this horrific sight. This entire show has a very gothic tone to it, the idea of the main character being a monster whom is misunderstood, the atmosphere of the show is very dark and sad, and the brutality and gore of the show as a whole. The fact that the town decided to murder the siblings due to one being a monster, and how they felt almost proud of the murder they committed.

Associated Place(s)


  • Massaki Yuasa

Image Date: 

The start of the month Winter 21st century