Ensō circle


Fukinsei means asymmetry or irregularity. The values of this principle pointed toward being truer to the natural world, which is unsymmetrical and imperfect. The relevant goal of Fukinsei principle is to highlight “isness” or “suchness” in reality, by accepting one’s nature that inevitably comprised imperfections and irregularities for the ease of mindful living and mental health. The symbol of this principle is ensō (Zen circle) or an incomplete circle in brush painting. When we think of a circle, it is the most symmetrical shape along with the satisfaction of perfection. The incomplete circle represented the existence of asymmetry and imperfection in nature, which still can full of beauty, harmony, and balance of life. The imperfection leads to the variation that attracted and engaged us into the abundances of characteristics for things around us to improve our imagination and perspectives.

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