Goblin Market (1989)


Goblin Market (1989) is a paperback edition produced by Victor Gollanez Ltd. at 14 Henrietta Street, London. The first edition of this book was produced in 1980 in Great Britain, also by Victor Gollanez Ltd. Gollancz Children’s Paperbacks, London, is the publication company. This edition was printed in Great Britain by Westerham Press Ltd, in Westerham, Kent. Ware’s Goblin Market (1989) was intended by Gollancz to be marketed towards 11-14-year-old pre-teens, but is often found within the children’s literature section of book stores and libraries. Christina Rossetti’s poem, “Goblin Market,” is printed in full within the book. The artist is Martin Ware. He was born in 1946 in London, and contributed several etching/prints to fairy tale books throughout his career. He first exhibited the etchings for Goblin Market at the Graffiti Gallery in London. He is an original artist but refuses to call himself an illustrator. He claims to create prints independent of the targeted audience, therefore it is evident when looking at the images that they can be considered very detailed and graphic for children. The illustrations are clearly done by etching, shown through very detailed line work. The illustrations are also very colourful, therefore I understand the appeal for children, but the images of the goblin men can also be seen as obscure and frightening as they are depicted as strong male bodies with animal heads. Due to the nature of children's picture books, Goblin Market (1989) has illustrations by Martin Ware on every page. 

Source: Christina Rossetti and Illustration : A Publishing History by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra (Pages 210). 

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