The Hornet and Peacock


This image depicts a confrontation between an American and a British ship, each displaying their national flag. The flag of the British ship, on the left, is upside down. Both ships have tattered sails. The back of the British ship is sinking into the water, and two of its masts have been reduced to jagged stumps. In contrast, the American ship sits level on the water and retains its three masts; the only evident damage is some holes in its sails. The British are abandoning their ship in two row boats and are pulling towards the American ship.3This image depicts a confrontation between an American and a British ship, each displaying their national flag. The flag of the British ship, on the left, is upside down. Both ships have tattered sails. The back of the British ship is sinking into the water, and two of its masts have been reduced to jagged stumps. In contrast, the American ship sits level on the water and retains its three masts; the only evident damage is some holes in its sails. The British are abandoning their ship in two row boats and are pulling towards the American ship.

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