Pip and Miss Havisham


This illustration by John McLenan (scanned by Phillip V. Allingham) shows Pip meeting Miss Havisham. While this is a different artist than the previous illustration, both photos manage to capture some aspecs of Miss Havisham's lavish life. The vanity pictured in both illustrations is described in the novel as a "draped table with a gilded looking-glass," (Dickens, chapter 8).


Work Cited

Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Aug. 1861.

McLenan, John. "Who Is It?" Said the Lady at the Table. "Pip, Ma'am.," The Victorian Web, 22 Dec. 1860, https://victorianweb.org/art/illustration/mclenan/11.html

Associated Place(s)


  • John McLenan

Image Date: 

22 Dec 1860