Pip approaches Satis House


Here we see an image of Pip approaching Satis House. Just based on the size of this house, viewers can see a clear jump in social class from the previous images. A large house accompanied by large property, as well as things such as a gate and lots of windows show that this is an upper class house in society. Satis House was made from brick rather than wood, which makes it both more expensive and more decorative than other houses mentioned in Great Expectations. "Although [hallways were] crucial to the ideal of ordinary domestic modernity, [their] decoration was to be unassuming and impersonal to meet the social variety of its user," (Hoskins). Even though readers do hear about the very long hallways in Satis House, there are never many hints as to the types of decorations or colours that are present, which makes sense when considering Hoskins' point. 


Works Cited

gomesv009. Category Archives: Satis House A House of Dreams, Word Press, 12 Dec. 2012, https://englishisp10.wordpress.com/category/symbolism/satis-house/

Hoskins, L. Domestic Interiors: Representing Homes from the Victorians to the Moderns. BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING PLC, vol. 12, no. 1, MAR 2015, pp. 119-121. https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/doi/epdf/10.2752/175174215X14171915160452?needAccess=true

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Artist Unknown

Image Date: 

12 Dec 2012