Created by Melissa Ford on Thu, 12/02/2021 - 00:35
Prostitution is defined as using your body for sexual reasons in return for money. In the 19th century, this was common, men and women used it for multiple reasons. Men used this when their wives did not have the desire to fulfill their needs. Women used this for their own money, to protect their loved ones, and provide for them. When googling prostitution in the 19th century most pictures pop up with the caption, "my sister's keeper". Above the picture shows how these women are preparing themselves for a day full of what they consider lust, in return with a sense of hope. In the poem, Goblin Market, the sister Luara ate the fruit in a sense of protection for her sister. With her giving in, eating the fruit, she saved her sister from the goblins taunting her. She turned the focus off of her and turned it to strictly her. She protected her sister.
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- Published by Katie M. Hemphill