Regency Wedding-- Jane Eyre


"Why?—am I a monster?" I said: "is it impossible that Mr. Rochester should have a sincere affection for me?"

Most of the times weddings were done within the same social class, and rarely were marriages out of love, more so political, social, or economical gain. The marriage between Jane and Mr. Rochester, however, is about their relationship and the feelings they have towards each other. Their wedding is a relatively larger thing considering their relationship stems from their likmindedness, and their marriage is a combination of things such as their passion, their passion, ethics, and more. The marriage is different in many aspects, especially considering the dynamic of Mr. Rochester, but it also shows a growth in how relationships are written and viewed. Jane is not of upper class, Mr. Rochester is. He has nothing to gain in this marriage other than Jane being his bride, whereas she has almost everything to gain from marrying him, yet just wants him.

Associated Place(s)


  • William Hogarth

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