Role of men in the 19th century


The role of men in the 19th century seemed easy. Men were supposed to uphold the financial side of the family. A man was required to work to provide for the needs of their family, while women stayed at home. Men were to take pride in what they do, they were offered multiple opportunities that women were not, for instance, men could vote which allowed them to voice their opinion. This picture is a great description of how most men thought. Most men were cocky and full of themselves. They assumed women were supposed to do as they say because they were given so more. In the poem, Goblin Market, the goblins taunted the two sisters. The more they resisted the more they taunted them. This would be considered "sweet-talking", something men do to convince women to do what they want. 

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Artist Unknown

Image Date: 

circa. Early 19th century