State Opening of Parliament


This image shows the House of Lords Chamber during the State Opening of Parliament, wherein the monarch gives a speech from the throne at the front of the room. The entire House of Lords and House of Commons are invited along with Her Majesty's judges and foreign diplomats. This image very well depicts the details and artwork in the Lords Chamber as well as the ceremonial robes that the peers (members of the House of Lords) and other attendees wear. Though not shown in the photo, all members of Parliament (here, I am referring to the House of Commons) are invited, but they must stay behind the Bar of the House of Lords. Here we see one of the most special and traditional events in Parliament. Everyone is in their special garments and they follow very closely the habits and traditions set in place. The Queen wears her crown and a long robe that are placed on her in the Robing Room behind the Lords Chamber. Even a relic called the Sword of State is carried into the Chamber behind the Queen. This entire ceremony is very old fashioned and is reminiscent of the long history of the United Kingdom, but it is juxtaposed with the attendance of the Members of Parliament, wearing their modern business attire. Around the Chamer one can see statues of long-dead religious leaders and nobles as well as paintings of motifs and virtues that the Victorians thought to be valuable and necessary to represent in their lives as distinguished Brits. These decorations and accents remind guests of the royal nature of the UK's government and its rich history. The room is old and stuffy, but the people within it are working on drafting and approving legislation that affects modern-day Brits.


“Lords Chamber.” UK Parliament, UK Parliament,

“State Opening of Parliament.”, The Royal Household, 14 Oct. 2019,

“State Opening of Parliament.” UK Parliament, UK Parliament,

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