Timeline - Word to Philosophy

A brief critical and philosophical reflection will follow by 4 famous figures: Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Hans Jonas and Emmanuel Lévinas.


Chronological table

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15
Date Event Created by Associated Places
The end of the month Autumn 1889

Heidegger's birth

26th September 1889: When Martin Heidegger was born.

Chiara Tagliabue
The middle of the month Spring 1903

Hans Jonas' birth

10th May 1903: When Hans Jonas was born.

Chiara Tagliabue
The middle of the month Winter 1906

Emmanuel Lévinas' birth

122nd January 1906: When Emmanuel Lévinas was born.

Chiara Tagliabue
The middle of the month Autumn 1906

Hanna Arendt's birth

14th October 1906: When Hannah Arendt was born.

Chiara Tagliabue

Being and Time

1927: Publication of Being and Time.

Chiara Tagliabue

Arendt emigrated to the USA

1941: Hannah escaped to the USA because of the Nazism.

Chiara Tagliabue

Eichmann captured

1960: Mossad captured Eichmann in Argentina.

Chiara Tagliabue

Eichmann was condemned

1961: Eichmann was condemned during the Process of Jerusalem.

Chiara Tagliabue

Totality and Infinity

1961: Publication of Totality and Infinity.

Chiara Tagliabue

Banality of Evil

1963: Publication of Banality of Evil.

Chiara Tagliabue
The start of the month Winter 1975

Hannah Arendt's death

4th December 1975: When Hannah Arendt died.

Chiara Tagliabue
The end of the month Spring 1976

Martin Heidegger's death

26th May 1976: When Martin Heidegger died.

Chiara Tagliabue

The Concept of God after Auschwitz

1984: Publication of The concept of God after Auschwitz.

Chiara Tagliabue
The start of the month Winter 1993

Hans Jonas' death

5th February 1993: When Hans Jonas died.

Chiara Tagliabue
The end of the month Winter 1995

Emmanuel Lévinas' death

25th December 1995: When Emmanuel Lévinas died.

Chiara Tagliabue