
Gilbert and Sullivan caricatureDrama

by Dion Boucicault

The Octoroon (search in COVE Texts)

by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan

Patience, or Bunthorne’s Bride (search in COVE Texts)

by Michael Field (headnote available)

A Question of Memory (search in COVE Texts)

by Cicely Hamilton

A Pageant of Great Women (search in COVE Texts)

by George Bernard Shaw (headnote available)

Mrs. Warren's Profession (search in COVE Texts)

by J. M. Synge (headnote available)

Riders to the Sea (search in COVE Texts)

by Oscar Wilde (headnote available)

An Ideal Husband (search in COVE Texts)
The Importance of Being Earnest (search in COVE Texts)
Salomé: A Tragedy in One Act,
with Beardsley prints (search in COVE Texts)
A Woman of No Importance (search in COVE Texts)

by Israel Zangwill

The Melting-Pot (search in COVE Texts)


by Randolph Caldecott

R. Caldecott's Collection of Pictures & Songs, 1887, from the LIbrary of Congress (search in COVE Images)


by Thomas Bailey Aldrich

"The Piazza of St. Mark at Midnight" (search in COVE Texts)

by William Allingham

"The Fairies: A Nursery Song," 1850 and 1855 versions (search in COVE Texts)
"Frost in the Holidays," 1850 and 1855 versions (search in COVE Texts)
"The Maidens of the Mere" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Maids of Elfen'Mere," 1855 (search in COVE Texts)

by Matthew Arnold

"Dover Beach" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Buried Life" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Scholar Gipsy" (search in COVE Texts)

by Emily Brontë

"No Coward Soul is Mine" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Prisoner" (search in COVE Texts)
"Stars" (search in COVE Texts)

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (headnote available)

Aurora Leigh, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh: Book 1 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh: Book 2 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh: Book 3 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh: Book 4 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh, Book 5 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh, Book 6 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh, Book 7 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh, Book 8 (search in COVE Texts)
Aurora Leigh
, Book 9 (search in COVE Texts)
"The Cry of the Children" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Man's Requirements" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Musical Instrument" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point" (search in COVE Texts)
Sonnet 22 [When our Two Souls Stand up Erect and Strong] (search in COVE Texts)
Sonnet 32 [The First Time that the Sun Rose on Thine Oath] (search in COVE Texts)
Sonnet 43 [How do I love thee? Let me count the ways] (search in COVE Texts)
Sonnets from the Portuguese - sonnets I-XLIII" (search in COVE Texts)
To George Sand, A Desire" (search in COVE Texts)
"To George Sand, A Recognition" (search in COVE Texts)

Robert Browning photographby Robert Browning (headnote available)

"Andrea del Sarto" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Bishop Orders His Tomb at St. Praxed's Church" (search in COVE Texts)
"Caliban Upon Setebos" (search in COVE Texts)
"Fra Lippo Lippi" (search in COVE Texts)
from "The Lost Leader" (search in COVE Texts)
"Love Among the Ruins" (search in COVE Texts)
"My Last Duchess" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Pied Piper of Hamlin" (search in COVE Texts)
"Porphyria's Lover" (search in COVE Texts)
The Ring and the Book: Book 1 (search in COVE Texts)
The Ring and the Book: Book 5 (search in COVE Texts)
The Ring and the Book: Book 7 (search in COVE Texts)
The Ring and the Book, Book 10 (search in COVE Texts)
The Ring and the Book: Book 11 (search in COVE Texts)
The Ring and the Book
: Book 12 (search in COVE Texts)
"Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister" (search in COVE Texts)
"Why I Am a Liberal" (search in COVE Texts)

by Bliss Carman (headnote available)

"A More Ancient Mariner" (search in COVE Texts)
"Low Tide on Grand Pré" (search in COVE Texts)
"By the Aurelian Wall" (search in COVE Texts)

by Arthur Hugh Clough

Amours de Voyage (search in COVE Texts)

by Emily Dickinson

"341: After great pain, a formal feeling comes—" (search in COVE Texts)
"712: Because I could not stop for Death—" (search in COVE Texts)
"1545: The Bible is an antique Volume—" (search in COVE Texts)
"970: Color—Caste—Denomination—" (search in COVE Texts)
"84: Her breast is fit for pearls" (search in COVE Texts)
"518: Her sweet Weight on my Heart a Night" (search in COVE Texts)
"280: I felt a Funeral, in my Brain" (search in COVE Texts)
"465: I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—" (search in COVE Texts)
"569: I reckon—When I count at all—" (search in COVE Texts)
"443: I tie my Hat—I crease my Shawl—" (search in COVE Texts)
"435: Much Madness is divinest Sense" (search in COVE Texts)
"754: My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun—" (search in COVE Texts)
"986: A narrow Fellow in the Grass" (search in COVE Texts)
"668: 'Nature' is what we see—" (search in COVE Texts)
"790: Nature—the Gentlest Mother is" (search in COVE Texts)
"709: Publication—is the Auction" (search in COVE Texts)
"216: Safe in their Alabaster Chambers [1; version B]" (search in COVE Texts)
"216: Safe in their Alabaster Chambers [1; version E]" (search in COVE Texts)
"303: The Soul selects her own Society—" (search in COVE Texts)
"1249: The Stars are old, that stood for me—" (search in COVE Texts)
"1129: Tell all the truth but tell it slant—" (search in COVE Texts)
"1593: There came a Wind like a Bugle—" (search in COVE Texts)
"613: They shut me up in prose—" (search in COVE Texts)
"441: This is my letter to the World" (search in COVE Texts)
"249: Wild nights—Wild nights!" (search in COVE Texts)

by Lord Alfred Douglas (headnote available)

"In Praise of Shame" (search in COVE Texts)
"Two Loves" (search in COVE Texts)

by Eliza Hamilton Dunlop

"The Aboriginal Mother" (search in COVE Texts)

by Toru Dutt

"Jogadhya Uma," 1882 (search in COVE Texts)
"Lakshman," 1885 (search in COVE Texts)
"Our Casuarina Tree," 1885 (search in COVE Texts)
"Prehlad," 1885 (search in COVE Texts)
"Savitri," 1885 (search in COVE Texts)
"Sîta," 1885 (search in COVE Texts)
"Sonnet: Baugmaree," 1885 (search in COVE Texts)
"Sonnet: The Lotus," 1885 (search in COVE Texts)

by W. S. Gilbert

"If You're Anxious for to Shine" (search in COVE Texts)

by Oliver Goldsmith, 1794-1861 (headnote available)

from "The Rising Village" (search in COVE Texts)

by Michael Field (headnote available)

"After Annointing" (search in COVE Texts)
"Come, Gorgo" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Cradle Song" (search in COVE Texts)
"Fading" (search in COVE Texts)
"I Love You With My Life" (search in COVE Texts)
"La Gioconda" (search in COVE Texts)
"L'Indifférent" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Mummy Invokes his Soul" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Pen Drawing of Leda" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Poet" (search in COVE Texts)
"Unbosoming" (search in COVE Texts)
Whym Chow: Flame of Love (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Hardy

"And There was a Great Calm" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Convergence of the Twain" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Darkling Thrush" (search in COVE Texts)
"Hap" (search in COVE Texts)
"He Wonders About Himself" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Man He Killed" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Ruined Maid" (search in COVE Texts)

Felica Hemans, engraving

by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (headnote available)

"An Appeal to My Country Women" (search in COVE Texts)
"Free Labor" (search in COVE Texts)
"Learning to Read" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Slave Mother" (search in COVE Texts)

by Felicia Hemans (headnote available)

"The American Forest Girl" (search in COVE Texts)
"Arabella Stuart" (search in COVE Texts)
"Bring Flowers" (search in COVE Texts)
"Burial of an Emigrant's Child in the Forests" (search in COVE Texts)
"Casabianca" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Coronation of Inez de Castro" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Dreamer" (search in COVE Texts)
"England's Dead" (search in COVE Texts)
"Epitaph on Mr. W—" (search in COVE Texts)
"Epitaph on the Hammer" (search in COVE Texts)
"Gertrude" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Graves of a Household" (search in COVE Texts)
"I Dream of All Things Free" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Image in Lava" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Indian City," 1825 (search in COVE Texts)
"The Indian City," 1828 (search in COVE Texts)
"The Indian with his Dead Child" (search in COVE Texts)
"Indian Woman's Death-Song" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Messenger Bird" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Monarch's Death-Bed" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Painter's Last Work" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Return" (search in COVE Texts)
"Song of Emigration" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Voice of Spring" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Wings of the Dove" (search in COVE Texts)
"Troubadour Song" (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Hood

"The Song of the Shirt" (search in COVE Texts)

by Gerald Manley Hopkins (headnote available)

“As Kingfishers Catch Fire” (search in COVE Texts)
"Binsey Poplars" (search in COVE Texts)
“God’s Grandeur” (search in COVE Texts)
"No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief" (search in COVE Texts)
“Pied Beauty” (search in COVE Texts)
"Spring" (search in COVE Texts)
"Spring and Fall" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Starlight Night" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Windhover" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Wreck of the Deutschland" (search in COVE Texts)

by Laurence Hope (headnote available)

"Till I Wake" (search in COVE Texts)
"Kashmiri Song" (search in COVE Texts)

by Richard H. Horne

"Household Christmas Carols" (search in COVE Texts)

by Joseph Howe (headnote available)

from Acadia (search in COVE Texts)

by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)

"The Cattle Thief," 1895 (search in COVE Texts)
"A Cry from an Indian Wife," 1895 (search in COVE Texts)
"My English Letter," 1895 (search in COVE Texts)
"Nocturne," 1895 (search in COVE Texts)
"Shadow River," 1895 (search in COVE Texts)
"The Song My Paddle Sings," 1895 (search in COVE Texts)
"The White Wampum: Title Page and Dedication," 1895 (search in COVE Texts)

by Ellen Johnston

"Kennedy's Factory For Ever" (search in COVE Texts)

by Rudyard Kipling

"If" (search in COVE Texts)
"The White Man's Burden" (search in COVE Texts)

by John Kitto

"Mary" (search in COVE Texts)

by Archibald Lampman (headnote available)

“The City at the End of Things” (search in COVE Texts)
"The Frogs" (search in COVE Texts)
“The Railway Station” (search in COVE Texts)
"Temagami" (search in COVE Texts)
“Voices of Earth” (search in COVE Texts)

by Henry LaBouchère

"The Brown Man's Burden" (search in COVE Texts)

Amy Levy, photographby Amy Levy (headnote available)

"A Ballad of Religion and Marriage" (search in COVE Texts)
"Ballade of the Omnibus" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Minor Poet" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Wall Flower" (search in COVE Texts)
"To Vernon Lee" (search in COVE Texts)
"Xantippe. (A FRAGMENT.)" (search in COVE Texts)

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (headnote available)

"The Arsenal at Springfield" (search in COVE Texts)
"Burial of the Minnisink" (search in COVE Texts)
"Chaucer" (search in COVE Texts)
"Keats" (search in COVE Texts)
"Milton" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Psalm of Life" (search in COVE Texts)
"Shakespeare" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Slave's Dream" (search in COVE Texts)
"To the Driving Cloud" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Village Blacksmith" (search in COVE Texts)

by Juan Francisco Manzano

Poems by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, Recently Liberated (search in COVE Texts)

by Gerald Massey

"Angel in the House" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Song in the City" (search in COVE Texts)
"Womankind" (search in COVE Texts)

by George Meredith

Modern Love (search in COVE Texts)

by Alice Meynell (headnote available)

"Cradle-Song at Twilight" (search in COVE Texts)
"Easter Night" (search in COVE Texts)
"Maternity" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Threshing Machine" (search in COVE Texts)
"Why Wilt Thou Chide?" (search in COVE Texts)

by Mary Russell Mitford

"To Mr. Lucas" (search in COVE Texts)
"Winter Scenery" (search in COVE Texts)

by William Morris

"Concerning Geffray Teste Noire" (search in COVE Texts)

by Yone Noguchi

Seen & Unseen; Or, Monologues of a Homeless Snail (Introduction, Prologue, and I-XV), 1897 (search in COVE Texts)

by Coventry Patmore

Angel in the House, "Prologue" (search in COVE Texts)
Angel in the House, Book 1 (search in COVE Texts)
Angel in the House, Book 2 (search in COVE Texts)
Faithful Forever (search in COVE Texts)

by Horatio Nelson Powers

"The Phonograph's Salutation," poem alone
"The Phonograph's Salutation," with Jason Camlot intro (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Pringle

"Afar in the Desert" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Hottentot" (search in COVE Texts)
"Makanna's Gathering" (search in COVE Texts)

by Adelaide Proctor

"Homeless" (search in COVE Texts)

by Charles G. D. Roberts (headnote available)

from "Ave!, An Ode for the Shelley Centenary, 1892" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Skater" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Tantramar Revisited" (search in COVE Texts)

by Christina Georgina Rossetti (headnote available)

"After Death" (search in COVE Texts)
"Dead Before Death" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Ghost's Petition" (search in COVE Texts)
"Goblin Market" (search in COVE Texts)
"In an Artist's Studio" (search in COVE Texts)
"In The Round Tower At Jhansi" (search in COVE Texts)
"[Sonnets are Full of Love]" (search in COVE Texts)
"Uphill" (search in COVE Texts)
"Winter My Secret"  (search in COVE Texts)

Body's Beauty, Lady Lilith, paintingby Dante Gabriel Rossetti (headnote available)

“The Blessed Damozel" (search in COVE Texts)
"Body's Beauty," Sonnet 78 of The House of Life (search in COVE Texts)
"Jenny" (search in COVE Texts)
"Mary's Girlhood (For a Picture)" (search in COVE Texts)
"Nuptial Sleep" (search in COVE Texts)
"My Sister's Sleep" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Portrait," Sonnet 10 of The House of Life (search in COVE Texts)
"A Sonnet in a Moment's Monument" (search in COVE Texts)

by Charles Sangster (headnote availale)

from The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay (search in COVE Texts)

by Duncan Campbell Scott (headnote available)

"Night Hymns on Lake Nipigon" (search in COVE Texts)
"Ode for the Keats Centenary" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Onondaga Madonna" (search in COVE Texts)

by Elizabeth Siddall

“The Lust of the Eyes" (search in COVE Texts)

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney (headnote available)

"Grasmere and Rydal Water" (search in COVE Texts)
"Felicia Hemans" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Indian's Welcome to the Pilgrim Fathers" (search in COVE Texts)
"Niagara" (search in COVE Texts)
"Science and Religion" (search in COVE Texts)

by Algernon Charles Swinburne

"Anactoria" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Leper" (search in COVE Texts)

by Arthur Symons (headnote available)

“The Blind Beggar" (search in COVE Texts)
"Maquillaage" (search in COVE Texts)
"To a Dancer" (search in COVE Texts)
"Prologue: Before the Curtain" (search in COVE Texts)
"White Heliotrope" (search in COVE Texts)

by Alfred Lord Tennyson (headnote available)

“Break, Break, Break" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Charge of the Light Brigade" (search in COVE Texts)
"Crossing the Bar" (search in COVE Texts)
"Dora" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Epic, including the Morte d'Arthur" (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 1, The Coming of Arthur (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 2, Gareth and Lynette (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 3, The Marriage of Geraint (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 4, Geraint and Enid (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 5, Balin and Balan (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 6, Merlin and Vivien (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 7, Lancelot and Elaine (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 8, The Holy Grail (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 9, Pelleas and Ettarre (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 10, The Last Tournament (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 11, Guinevere (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, 12, The Passing of Arthur (search in COVE Texts)
Idylls of the King, Dedication (search in COVE Texts)
"In Memorium A.H.H.," selections (search in COVE Texts)
"The Kraken" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Lady of Shalott,”" 1832 & 1842 (search in COVE Texts)
"Locksley Hall" (search in COVE Texts)
“Mariana" (search in COVE Texts)
"Maud" (search in COVE Texts)
"The May Queen" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Palace of Art" (search in COVE Texts)
“Ulysses,” 1833 (search in COVE Texts)

by Dylan Thomas

"Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night" (search in COVE Texts)
"Fern Hill" (search in COVE Texts)

by Henry David Thoreau (headnote available)

"Any fool can make a rule" (search in COVE Texts)
"Haze" (search in COVE Texts)
"I am the little Irish boy" (search in COVE Texts)
"I have seen some frozenfaced connecticut" (search in COVE Texts)
"In the busy streets, domains of trade" (search in COVE Texts)
"Ive seen ye, sisters, on the mountain-side" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Inward Morning" (search in COVE Texts)
"Poverty" (search in COVE Texts)
"Sic Vita" (search in COVE Texts)
"Sympathy" (search in COVE Texts)
"Wait not till slaves pronounce the word" (search in COVE Texts)

by Graham R. Tomson (headnote available)

"Aubade" (search in COVE Texts)
"Ballad of the Bird-Bride" (search in COVE Texts)

by Augusta Webster

"A Castaway" (search in COVE Texts)

Oscar Wilde, photograph

by Walt Whitman

"Manahatta" (search in COVE Texts)
"O Captain! My captain" (search in COVE Texts)
"Song of Myself" (search in COVE Texts)

by Oscar Wilde (headnote available)

"The Ballad of Reading Gaol" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Grave of Keats" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Grave of Shelley" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Harlot's House" (search in COVE Texts)
"Impression du Matin" (search in COVE Texts)
"To Milton" (search in COVE Texts)

by William Butler Yeats

"Crazy Jane Talks With the Bishop" (search in COVE Texts)
"Easter, 1916" (search in COVE Texts)
"He Remembers Forgotten Beauty" (search in COVE Texts)
"He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" (search in COVE Texts)
"An Irish Airman Foresees His Death" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" (search in COVE Texts)
"Leda and the Swan" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart" (search in COVE Texts)
"Sailing to Byzantium" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Second Coming" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Secret Rose" (search in COVE Texts)
"September 1913" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Wild Swans at Coole" (search in COVE Texts)
"When You Are Old" (search in COVE Texts)


by Selim Aga/Agha

Africa Considered in Its Social and Political Condition (search in COVE Texts)
"A Trip Up the Congo or Zaire River" (search in COVE Texts)
"My Parentage and Early Career as a Slave" (search in COVE Texts)

by Rev. W.T. Andrews

A Waif (search in COVE Texts)

by William Apess

"An Indian’s Looking-Glass for the White Man" (search in COVE Texts)

by Matthew Arnold

"Preface" to Poems (search in COVE Texts)
Culture and Anarchy, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)
Culture and Anarchy, whole (search in COVE Texts)
"The Function of Criticism at the Present Time" (search in COVE Texts)

by Max Beerbohm (headnote available)

"A Defence of Cosmetics" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Letter to the Editor" (search in COVE Texts)

by Charles Henry Bennett

London People: Sketched from Life, 18. London, Smith, Elder, and co., 1863, from the Library of Congress (search in COVE Images)

by John Binny

"A Visit to the Rookery of St. Giles and its Neighbourhood," London Labour and the London Poor, vol. 4 (search in COVE Texts)

by R.D. Blackmore

Lorna Doone (search in COVE Texts)

by Edward Wilmot Blyden

Liberia's Offering (search in COVE Texts)

by Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon

Remarks, from A Brief Summary in Plain Language of the Most Important Laws Concerning Women (search in COVE Texts)

by Charles Booth

Life and Labour of the People of London, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

"Herself," 1894 (search in COVE Texts)
Lady Audley's Secret (search in COVE Texts)

by Anne Brontë

Agnes Grey (search in COVE Texts)
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
(search in COVE Texts)

by Charlotte Brontë

Jane Eyre (search in COVE Texts)
(search in COVE Texts)

by Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights (search in COVE Texts)

by Samuel Butler

The Way of All Flesh (search in COVE Texts)

by Mona Caird (headnote available)

from "Marriage" (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Carlyle

"Captains of Industry," Past and Present (search in COVE Texts)
"Democracy," Past and Present (search in COVE Texts)
"Labour," Past and Present (search in COVE Texts)
Sartor Resartus, 1834 (search in COVE Texts)
"Signs of the Times" (search in COVE Texts)

by Edward Carpenter

Homogenic Love, excerpt (search in COVE Texts)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrationby Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, with illustrations (search in COVE Texts)
Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There (with illustrations), 1871 (search in COVE Texts)

by Edward Carson

Oscar Wilde Libel Trial: Opening Speech for the Defense by Edward Carson (search in COVE Texts)

by Kate Chopin

"A Pair of Silk Stockings" (search in COVE Texts)
"Beyond the Bayou" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Story of an Hour" (search in COVE Texts)
The Awakening (search in COVE Texts)

by John Clare (headnote available)

"The Mores" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Mouse's Nest" (search in COVE Texts)

by Sir Edward Clarke

Oscar Wilde Libel Trial: Opening Speech of Sir Edward Clarke (search in COVE Texts)

by Lucy (Mrs. W. K.) Clifford

"The New Mother" (search in COVE Texts)

by Wilkie Collins

The Moonstone (search in COVE Texts)
Poor Miss Finch (search in COVE Texts)
The Woman in White (search in COVE Texts)

by Joseph Conrad

Heart of Darkness (search in COVE Texts)

by Susan Fenimore Cooper

"Otsego Leaves. Birds Then and Now" (search in COVE Texts)

by Dinah Craik

"The Half-Caste" (search in COVE Texts)

by Bithia Mary Croker

"To Let," 1893 (search in COVE Texts)

by Kathleen Cuffe

"A Reply from the Daughters" (search in COVE Texts)

by Ella d'Arcy (headnote available)

"The Pleasure-Pilgrim" (search in COVE Texts)

by Charles Darwin

The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, 1871 (search in COVE Texts)

by Charles Dickens

"An Appeal to Fallen Women" (search in COVE Texts)
Bleak House (search in COVE Texts)
A Christmas Carol (search in COVE Texts)
A Christmas Carol, 1887, from the Library of Congress (search in COVE Images)
David Copperfield (search in COVE Texts)
"Gin Shops" from Sketches by Boz (search in COVE Texts)
Great Expectations (search in COVE Texts)
Hard Times (search in COVE Texts)
Hard Times, New York, J. W. Lovell Company, 1883, from the Library of Congress (search in COVE Images) 
The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain (search in COVE Texts)
Oliver Twist (search in COVE Texts)
The Author's Preface to the Third Edition of Oliver Twist (search in COVE Texts)
"The Pawnbroker's Shop" from Sketches by Boz (search in COVE Texts)
"A Walk in a Workhouse" (search in COVE Texts)

by Ella Hepworth Dixon

Story of a Modern Woman (search in COVE Texts)

by Frederick Douglass (headnote available)

"The Heroic Slave" (search in COVE Texts)
"Letter to the Editor of The Times" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro: Speech at Rochester, New York, July 5, 1852" (search in COVE Texts)

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"The Hound of the Baskervilles" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Scandal in Bohemia" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Study in Scarlet" in Croatian [Kasna osveta] (search in COVE Texts)
"The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet" in Croatian [Poviest berilskoga nakita] (search in COVE Texts)
"The Adventure of the Copper Beaches" in Croatian [Ljetnikovac u Hampshiru] (search in COVE Texts)
"The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor" in Croatian [Izčeznula mladenka] (search in COVE Texts)
"The Adventure of the Speckled Band" (search in COVE Texts)
The Adventure of the Speckled Band" in Croatian [Piegasta vrvca] (search in COVE Texts)

by George Egerton (headnote available)

"A Cross Line" (search in COVE Texts)

George Eliot imageby George Eliot (headnote available)

Adam Bede (search in COVE Texts)
Daniel Deronda (search in COVE Texts)
Middlemarch (search in COVE Texts)
The Mill on the Floss (search in COVE Texts)
Silas Marner (search in COVE Texts)
"Silly Novels by Lady Novelists" (search in COVE Texts)

by Havelock Ellis

Studies in the Psychology of Sex, excerpt (search in COVE Texts)

by Sarah Stickney Ellis

The Women of England, Their Social Duties, and Domestic Habits (search in COVE Texts)

by Ralph Waldo Emerson (headnote available)

"The American Scholar" (search in COVE Texts)
"Nature" (search in COVE Texts)

by Friedrich Engels

The Conditions of the Working Class in England in 1844, excerpt (search in COVE Texts)

by E.M. Forster

"The Machine Stops" (search in COVE Texts)
A Room with a View (search in COVE Texts)

by James Anthony Froude

The English in the West Indies, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

by Margaret Fuller (headnote available)

"The Great Lawsuit. Man versus Men. Woman versus Women." (search in COVE Texts)
from Summer on the Lakes, in 1843 (search in COVE Texts)
"Things and Thoughts in Europe, No. XVIII" (search in COVE Texts)

by Ellizabeth Gaskell

"Curious, If True" (search in COVE Texts)
"Disappearances" (search in COVE Texts)
Mary Barton (search in COVE Texts)
North and South (search in COVE Texts)
"The Old Nurse's Story" (search in COVE Texts)

by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

"The Yellow Wall-Paper" (search in COVE Texts)

by Edmund Gosse

"Toru Dutt. Introductory Memoir," 1881 (search in COVE Texts)

by Sarah Grand

"The New Aspect of the Woman Question" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Undefinable" (search in COVE Texts)

by H. Rider Haggard

She (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Chandler Haliburton (headnote available)

from The Clockmaker (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Hardy

Jude the Obscure (search in COVE Texts)
Tess of the d'Urbervilles (search in COVE Texts)

by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

Iola Leroy, or, Shadows Uplifted (search in COVE Texts)

by Nathaniel Hawthorne (headnote available)

"The Birth-mark" (search in COVE Texts)
"My Kinsman, Major Molineux" (search in COVE Texts)
"P's Correspondence" (search in COVE Texts)

by William Delisle Hay

The Doom of the Great City (search in COVE Texts)

Clemence Housman, photograph

by Clemence Housman

The Were Wolf (search in COVE Texts)

by Janet E. Hogarth

"Literary Degenerates" (search in COVE Texts)

by Harriet Jacobs

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Written by Herself (search in COVE Texts)

by Elizabeth Keckley

Behind the Scenes, or Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House (search in COVE Texts)

by Fanny Kemble

from Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838–1839 (search in COVE Texts)

by Rudyard Kipling

"At the End of the Passage" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Man Who Would Be King" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Story of Muhammed Din" (search in COVE Texts)
"Without Benefit of Clergy" (search in COVE Texts)

by Mary Kirby

"Going to School in India" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Little About Caste" (search in COVE Texts)

by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

"An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street," 1851 (search in COVE Texts)
"Stange Adventure in the Life of Schalken, the Painter" (search in COVE Texts)

by Amy Levy (headnote available)

"The Diary of a Plain Girl" (search in COVE Texts)
Reuben Sachs: A Sketch (search in COVE Texts)
Romance of a Shop (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Macaulay

"Minute on Indian Education" (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas Maitland (Robert Buchanan)

"The Fleshly School of Poetry" (search in COVE Texts)

by Juan Francisco Manzano

Poems by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, Recently Liberated, including significant prose sections (search in COVE Texts)

by George Perkins Marsh (headnote availale)

from Man and Nature; or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action (search in COVE Texts)

by Harriet Martineau (headnote availale)

from Society in America (search in COVE Texts)

by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (headnote availale)

from The Communist Manifesto (search in COVE Texts)

by Henry Mayhew

"A Balloon View of London," The Great World of London, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
"Hindoo Beggar" (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, Preface, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 6, To Correspondents, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 17, The Crippled Street-seller of Nutmeg-graters, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3, The Doll's-Eye Maker, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3,, Meeting of the Ballast-Heavers' Wives, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 7, Of Groundsel and Chickweed Sellers, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No 14, Of the Experience of a Street Author, or Poet, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No 22, Of the Low Lodging-Houses, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 2, No 35, Of the Mud-Larks, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 11, Of the Publishers and Authors of Street-Literature, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 5, Of the Street-Irish, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 2, No. 30, Of the Street Sellers of Live Birds, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 24, Of the Street-Sellers of Rhubarb and Spice, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3, Old Sarah, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3, The Sewerman, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 22, Statement of a Prostitute, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3, Statement of a Returned Convict, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 1, The Sunday Morning Markets, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3, Tom-tom Players, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
"A Visit to the Cholera Districts of Bermondsey," with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1, No. 7, "The Watercress Girl," with geolocation and without (search in COVE Texts)
"London Considered as a Great World," The Great World of London, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)

by Henry Mayhew and Augustus Mayhew

London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 2, Boy Crossing-Sweepers and Tumblers, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 2, The Negro Crossing-Sweeper, with geolocation (search in COVE Texts)

by Thomas d'Arcy McGee (headnote availale)

"The Mental Outfit of the New Dominion" (search in COVE Texts)

by L.T. Meade

A Sweet Girl Graduate (search in COVE Texts)

by Herman Melville

“Bartleby, the Scrivener” (search in COVE Texts)

by Alice Meynell (headnote available)

“The Colour of Life” (search in COVE Texts)

by John Stuart Mill

The Subjection of Women (search in COVE Texts)
The Subjection of Women, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)
"Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties" (search in COVE Texts)

by Susanna Moodie (headnote availale)

from Roughing It in the Bush; or, Life in Canada (search in COVE Texts)

by William Morris

"How I Became a Socialist" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Ideal Book" (search in COVE Texts)
"Useful Work versus Useless Toil" (search in COVE Texts)

by T.N. Mukharji

A Visit to Europe, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

by Edith Nesbit (headnote available)

"The Girton Girl" (search in COVE Texts)

Florence Nightingale, photographby Florence Nightingale

Cassandra (search in COVE Texts)

by Max Nordau

Degeneration, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

by William North

The City of Jugglers (search in COVE Texts)

by George Paston

The Career of Candida (search in COVE Texts)

by Walter Pater (headnote available)

"Conclusion" to The Renaissance (search in COVE Texts)
"Leonardo da Vinci" from The Renaissance (search in COVE Texts)
"Preface" to The Renaissance (search in COVE Texts)
"A Novel by Mr. Oscar Wilde" (search in COVE Texts)
"The School of Giorgione" (search in COVE Texts)

by Elizabeth Palmer Peabody (headnote availale)

from "Letter to Wordsworth" (search in COVE Texts)
from A Glimpse of Christ's Idea of Society
(search in COVE Texts)

by Alice Perrin

"In the Next Room" (search in COVE Texts)

by Catherine Louisa Pirkis

The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective (search in COVE Texts)

by Edgar Allen Poe

"Annabel Lee" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Fall of the House of Usher" (search in COVE Texts)
"Ligeia" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Man of the Crowd" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Raven" (search in COVE Texts)
"Sonnet—To Science" (search in COVE Texts)
"Ulalume—a Ballad" (search in COVE Texts)

by Mary Prince

The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave Related by Herself (search in COVE Texts)
The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave Related by Herself, excerpt (search in COVE Texts)

by Charlotte Riddell

"The Open Door" (search in COVE Texts)
The Race for Wealth (search in COVE Texts)

by John Ruskin

Lecture II. Lillies. Of Queen's Gardens, from Sesame and Lilies (search in COVE Texts)
"The Nature of Gothic" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Nature of Gothic," excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

by James Malcolm Rymer

A Mystery in Scarlet, No. 1 (search in COVE Texts)

by Olive Schreiner

The Story of an African Farm (search in COVE Texts)
Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland (Search in COVE Texts)

Mary Seacole, photographby Mary Seacole

The Wonderful Adventures of Mary Seacole (search in COVE Texts)

by Sharpe's London Journal (headnote availale)

"Emerson's Representative Men," Contemporary Response (search in COVE Texts)

by Earle Shinn

The new Hyperion. From Paris to Marly by way of the Rhine. / By Edward Strahan pseud.With over three hundred illustrations from designs by Gustave Doré and others. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott & co., 1875, from the Library of Congress (search in COVE Images)

by Stanley, Sir Henry Morton (headnote available)

from Through the Dark Continent (search in COVE Texts)

by Elizabeth Cady Stanton (headnote available)

"Declaration of Sentiments" (search in COVE Texts)

by Krupabai Satthianadhan

Kamala: A Story of Hindu Life (search in COVE Texts)

by George Bernard Shaw (headnote available)

"The Basis of Socialism," excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

by Catherine Helen Spence

Clara Morison: A Tale of South Australia During the Gold Fever (search in COVE Texts)

by W. D. Stead (headnote available)

"An Agnostic's Reply" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon," excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

by Flora Annie Steel

On the Face of the Waters: A Tale of Mutiny, 1897 (search in COVE Texts)

by Leslie Stephen

"An Agnostic's Reply" (search in COVE Texts)

by Robert Louis Stevenson (headnote available)

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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (search in COVE Texts)

by Bram Stoker

"Our New House" (search in COVE Texts)
Dracula (search in COVE Texts)

by A. G. P. Sykes

"The Evolution of the Sex" (search in COVE Texts)

by John Addington Symonds

A Problem in Modern Ethics, excerpt (search in COVE Texts)

by Arthur Symons

from The Decadent Movement in Literature (search in COVE Texts)

by William Makepeace Thackeray

Catherine (search in COVE Texts)
Vanity Fair
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by John Jacob Thomas

Froudcity, excerpts (search in COVE Texts)

The Times, published in

Editorial and Letters to the Editor, Contemporary Response re: Frederick Douglass (search in COVE Texts)

by Sir Henry Thompson

"Under Chloroform" (search in COVE Texts)

by Henry David Thoreau (headnote available)

"Resistance to Civil Government" (search in COVE Texts)
"Walking" (search in COVE Texts)

by Anthony Trollope

Autobiography, chapter 12 (search in COVE Texts)
He Knew He Was Right (search in COVE Texts)
The Warden (search in COVE Texts)
The Way We Live Now (search in COVE Texts)

by Frances Trollope (headnote available)

from "Domestic Manners of the Americans" (search in COVE Texts)
Jessie Phillips (search in COVE Texts)
The Life and Adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw (search in COVE Texts)

by Sojourner Truth (headnote available)

"Speech at the American Equal Rights Association", May 9–10, 1867 (search in COVE Texts)

by H.G. Wells

"Zoological Retrogression" (search in COVE Texts)

by James McNeill Whistler (headnote available)

from "Mr. Whistler's 'Ten O'Clock'" (search in COVE Texts)

by John Greenleaf Whittier (headnote available)

"The Fisherman" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Hunters of Men" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Lumberman" (search in COVE Texts)
"Massachusetts to Virginia" (search in COVE Texts)

Wilde Reviews

"Letter from a London Editor" (search in COVE Texts)
"Mr. Oscar Wilde Again" (search in COVE Texts)
"Mr. Oscar Wilde's Defence" (search in COVE Texts)
"Mr. Oscar Wilde's Defence" 2 (search in COVE Texts)
"Mr. Wilde's Bad Case" (search in COVE Texts)
"Oscar Wilde's Reply Dorian Gray" (search in COVE Texts)
"Punch on Dorian Gray" (search in COVE Texts)
"A Study in Puppydom" (search in COVE Texts)
The Daily Chronicle on Dorian Gray (search in COVE Texts)

by Oscar Wilde (headnote available)

"The Birthday of the Infanta" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Canterville Ghost" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Critic as Artist" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Decay of Lying" (search in COVE Texts)
"De Profundis" (search in COVE Texts)
"English Poetesses" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Fisherman and his Soul" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Gospel According to Walt Whitman" (search in COVE Texts)
"Impressions of America" (search in COVE Texts)
"Letter from Reading Prison" (search in COVE Texts)
"Lord Arthur Savile's Crime" (search in COVE Texts)
Oscar Wilde Libel Trial: Testimony of Oscar Wilde On Cross Examination (Literary Part) (search in COVE Texts)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (search in COVE Texts)
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Preface (search in COVE Texts)
"The Portrait of Mr W.H." (search in COVE Texts)
"Preface" to The Picture of Dorian Gray (search in COVE Texts)
"The Scots Observer’s’ Review" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Soul of Man Under Socialism" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Sphinx Without a Secret" (search in COVE Texts)
"The Star-Child" (search in COVE Texts)
Testimony of Oscar Wilde (Criminal Trial) (search in COVE Texts)
"The Young King" (search in COVE Texts)
Wilde Replies to Criticism of Dorian Gray (search in COVE Texts)

by Charlotte Young

Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe (search in COVE Texts)

BRANCH Articles

Rachel Ablow, "‘One Flesh,’ One Person, and the 1870 Married Women’s Property Act" (search in COVE Texts)
Michelle Allen-Emerson, "On Magazine Day" (search in COVE Texts)
Julie Barst, "The Molesworth Report" (search in COVE Texts)
Florence Boos, "The Education Act of 1870" (search in COVE Texts)
Florence Boos, "The Socialist League" (search in COVE Texts)
Jo Briggs, "1848 and 1851: A Reconsideration of the Historical Narrative" (search in COVE Texts)
Jo Briggs, "The Second Boer War, 1899-1902" (search in COVE Texts)
Carolyn Vellenga Berman, "On the Reform Act of 1832" (search in COVE Texts)
Jason Camlot, "The First Phonogramic Poem: Conceptions of Genre and Media Format, Circa 1888" (search in COVE Texts)
Janet Carlisle, "On the Second Reform Act" (search in COVE Texts)
Ellen Crowell, "Oscar Wilde's Tomb" (search in COVE Texts)
Ann Curthoys, "Settler Self-Government versus Aboriginal Rights, 1883 - 2001" (search in COVE Texts)
Martin Danahay, "‘Valiant Lunatics’: Heroism and Insanity in British and Russian Reactions to the Charge of the Light Brigade" (search in COVE Texts)
Andrew Elfenbein, "On the Trials of Oscar Wilde" (search in COVE Texts)
Jonathan Farina, "On David Masson’s British Novelists and their Styles (1859) and the Establishment of Novels as an Object of Academic Study" (search in COVE Texts)
Pamela Gilbert, "On Cholera in Nineteenth-Century England" (search in COVE Texts)
Elaine Hadley, "On Opinion Politics" (search in COVE Texts)
Elizabeth Helsinger, "Lyric Poetry and the Event of Poems, 1870" (search in COVE Texts)
Priti Joshi, "Can the Indian 'Mutiny' Be Fixed?" (search in COVE Texts)
Heidi Kaufman, "1800-1900: Inside and Outside the Nineteenth-Century East End" (search in COVE Texts)
Christopher Lane, "On the Victorian Afterlife of the 1781 Sunday Observance Act" (search in COVE Texts)
Stefanie Markovits, "On the Crimean War and the Charge of the Light Brigade" (search in COVE Texts)
Richard Menke, "The End of the Three-Volume Novel System, 27 June 1894" (search in COVE Texts)
Matthew Rubery, "On Henry Morton Stanley's Search for Dr. Livingstone" (search in COVE Texts)
Marjorie Stone, "The 'Advent' of Aurora Leigh" (search in COVE Texts)
Marjorie Stone and Denae Dyck, "The 'Sensation' of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Poems before Congress" (search in COVE Texts)
T.J. Tallie, "On Zulu King Cetshwayo kaMpande’s Visit to London, August 1882" (search in COVE Texts)
Sarah Winter, "On the Morant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica" (search in COVE Texts)

from COVE Editions

Elizabeth Helsinger, "A Brief Biography of Christina Georgina Rossetti" (search in COVE Texts)
Elizabeth Helsinger, "The Sonnet and the Sequence" (search in COVE Texts)
Jerome McGann, "Double Works" (search in COVE Texts)

Rossetti Archive Material

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Blessed Damozel (illustration, 1877) (search in COVE Texts)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Sonnet (1880, illustration) (search in COVE Texts)