Created by Katherine Calloway on Mon, 11/22/2021 - 13:52
Many prostitutes that were not able to run from the terrible conditions took their own lives. Considering the lifestyle they were living, prostitutes became addicted to opium. They used it as a means to to escape. After the addiction became too much, they ended up in Magdalene Asylums, where many of them died alone and depressed, and they were ruled suicides. Many women took their own lives in different ways. Many were also murdered during this time. Jack the Ripper became well known due to press coverage of him murdering prostitutes. Many of these deaths, whether they were suicide or not, were never fully investigated, if they investigated at all. Their bodies were later used for medical science. A good example of how prostitutes were treated is "Porphyria's Lover." It was written by Robert Browning. In the poem, it describes her job, how she was objectified, and how she was murdered and objectified even after her death. (Revisiting Dickens)
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- Terragon Smith