The Masque of Anarchy
Created by Ciniya Croskey on Sun, 11/28/2021 - 18:18
The Masque of Anarchy is a poem written by Percy Bysshe Shelley. This poem was written as a reaction to Peterloo. Peterloo was a massacre that occured on August 16, 1819. Perterloo happened in England as people gathered to see the radical speaker, Henry Hunt. He was there to address the problems in England such as famine(lack of food), unemployment, and the effect of Corn Laws on society. While there the protesters were seen as dangerous (both adults and children). Officials were alarmed by the size of the crowd so they arrested the speakers and protesters. This turned violent and they were many people injured and killed in the massacre. Shelley used vivid images to describe what was seen in Peterloo but she also used numerous metaphors to describe leaders during the Victorian Era that contributed to Peterloo. The way she made the poem into a ballad caught our attention with the use of emotion to spark reform from the victims and their families. This poem also followed served as a message to the victims and citizens to keep fighting for their rights.
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- Percy Bysshe Shelley
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