Tavern Guild San Francisco, CA 1962

The Tavern Guild of San Francisco

Tavern Guild was the first gay business association to operate openly in the US. This association provided safe venues for the gay community of San Fransisco. This business association, consequently, influenced the production of gay venues all over the country. Though this was a group that solely consisted of bar owners that mainly focused on the distribution of alcohol, it created secured spaces for those of the LGBTQ community of San Francisco. There were not many venues, bars, or environments of this sort up and running for the gay community during that period, so this business acts as a big turning point for gay rights as it branded the mall together under an official group. There were places for performers, like theaters, that also assured their safety and comfortability to do their job for crowds filled with people of their kind.  In connection to Diane Arbus’ photo, while she worked in New York with a marginalized group, this achievement across the country showcases the significance of normalizing belittled groups, especially the gay community, on a national level. Though still being labeled as ‘freak shows’, drag performers could now fulfill their enactments in homely atmospheres living both their realities as an entertainer and a member of society. Furthermore, a simple association operating may seem simple but brand bars that were run, operated, and occupied by LBGTQ members were a rarity in itself.


Associated Place(s)

Event date:

1962 to 1995