British Women Writers of the Romantic Era, now at COVE (search in COVE Texts)

edited by Paula Feldman

Maria Abdy (c. 1797-1867)
An Original Thought
My Very Particular Friend

Lucy Aikin (1781-1864)
from Epistles on Women

Jane Austen (1775-1817)
Verses to Rhyme with "Rose"
a Headache

Joanna Baillie (1762-1851)
The Kitten
Quit Thy Bower!
Woo'd and Married and A'
Address to a Steam-Vessel
Song ("The gliding fish that takes his play")
The Sun Is Down
Lines to a Teapot
The Maid of Llanwellyn

Anna Letitia Barbauld (1743-1825)
The Mouse's Petition
An Inventory of the Furniture in Dr. Priestley's Study
A Summer Evening's Meditation
Inscription for an Ice-House
To the Poor
Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, A Poem
The Baby-House
Riddle ("From rosy bowers we issue forth")

Mrs. E.-G. Bayfield (fl. 1803-1816)
The Danger of Discontent

Elizabeth Bentley (1767-1839)
To a Redbreast

Matilda Betham (1776-1852)
To Miss Rouse Boughton,
Now the Right Hon. Lady St. John
Sonnet ("Urge me no more!")
To a Llangollen Rose, The Day after It Had Been Given by Miss Ponsonby
Fragment ("A Pilgrim weary, toil-subdued")
The Daughter
II ("Lucy, I think not of thy beauty")
VII ("Come, Magdalen, and bind my hair")

Susanna Blamire (1747-1794)
The Nabob
The Siller Craun
What Ails This Heart o' Mine?

The Chelsea Pensioners
Barley Broth
Stoklewath; or, The Cumbrian Village

Countess of Blessington (1790-1849)
in Trade of Modern Poetesses

Mary Ann Browne (1812-1844)
A World without Water
The Song of the Elements
The Wild Horse
To a Wild Bee

Lady Byron (nee Anne Isabella Milbanke) (1792-1860)
To Ada

Dorothea Primrose Campbell (1793-1863)
The Shetland Fisherman

Ann Candler (1740-1814)
Reflections on My Own Situation

Elizabeth Cobbold (nee Eliza Knipe) (1767-1824)
the Lake of Windermere
The Nurse and the Newspaper

Sara Coleridge (1802-1852)
I Was a Brook
Blest Is the Tarn
Milk-White Doe, 'Tis But the Breeze

I Tremble When with Look Benign
The Captive Bird with Ardour Sings

Hannah Cowley (1743-1809)

Ann Batten Cristall (c. 1768-after 1816)
Written in Devonshire, near the Dart
To a Lady, on the Rise of Morn
Songs of Arla (from "The Enthusiast")
Song I ("Wild wing my notes, fierce passions urge the strain")
Song II ("With awe my soul the wreck of Nature views")
Song III ("Impassion'd strains my trembling lips rehearse")
Verses Written in the Spring
A Song of Arla Written during her Enthusiasm
An Ode ("Almighty Power! who rul'st this world of storms!")
Song on Leaving the Country Early in the Spring

Catherine Ann Dorset (1750?-1817?)
The Humble Bee
To the Lady-Bird

Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849)
Chauntry's Statue of Watt in Handsworth Church
To Mrs. Carr
Laura Leicester
With a Dyed Silk Quilt Sent to Aunt Ruxton

Susan Evance (fl. 1808-1818)
Sonnet to Melancholy
Sonnet Written in a Ruinous Abbey

Sonnet to a Violet
Sonnet to the Clouds
Written during a Storm of Wind

Catherine Maria Fanshawe (1765-1834)
A Riddle(" 'Twas in heaven pronounced, and 'twas muttered in hell")
Fragment in Imitation of Wordsworth

Anne Grant (Mrs. Grant of Laggan) (1755-1838)

Elizabeth Hands (fl. 1789)
A Poem, on the Supposition of an Advertisement Appearing in a Morning Paper
A Poem, on the Supposition of the Book Having Been Published and Read
Written, Originally Extempore, on Seeing a Mad Heifer Run through the Village
A Song ("Ye swains cease to flatter")
a Wedding
The Widower's Courtship

Mary Hays (1760-1843)
Invocation to the Nightingale
to Her Bullfinch

Felicia Hemans (1793-1835)
Epitaph on Mr. W--, a Celebrated Mineralogist
Epitaph on the Hammer of the Aforesaid Mineralogist
The Voice of Spring
The Messenger Bird
Bring Flowers
Troubadour Song
The Graves of a Household

The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England
A Monarch's Death-Bed
Gertrude, or Fidelity till Death
The Wings of the Dove
The Image in Lava
The Coronation of Inez de Castro
Indian Woman's Death-Song
Arabella Stuart
The Dreamer
The Return
The Painter's Last Work-A Scene
I Dream of All Things Free

Mary Howitt (1799-1888)
The Countess Lamberti
The Spider and the Fly
The Voyage with the Nautilus
Tibbie Inglis, or The Scholar's Wooing
The Nettle-King
The Broom-Flower
A Swinging Song
The Sea-Gull
The Fairies of the Caldon Low

Anna Maria Jones (1748-1829)
Sonnet to the Moon

Lady Caroline Lamb (1785-1828)
Invocation to Sleep

Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1802-1838)
The Oak

Hannibal's Oath
The Altered River
Lines of Life
Carrick-a-Rede, Ireland
Fountain's Abbey
Marius at the Ruins of Carthage
The Unknown Grave

Mary Leadbeater (1758-1826)
Lines Written in a Bower

Helen Leigh (fl. 1788, d. before 1795)
The Natural Child
The Linnet; a Fable
The Revenge

Isabella Lickbarrow (fl. 1814-1818)
Lines on the Comet
the Fate of Newspapers
The Nun's Soliloquy
The Widow
Lines Written on the Banks of the Eden, near Kirkby Stephen
the Sprint at Garnet Bridge
The Mountain Flower
Lady Hamilton

Lady Anne Lindsay (1750-1825)
Auld Robin Gray
The Highland Storm

Janet Little (1759-1813)
To the Public

Another Epistle to Nell
To My Aunty
Reading Lady Mary Montague and Mrs. Rowe's Letters
To a Lady Who Sent the Author Some Paper with a Reading of Sillar's Poems
Given to a Lady Who Asked Me to Write a Poem
Seeing Mr. --- Baking Cakes
The Month's Love

Maria Logan (fl. 1793)
To Opium
Verses on Hearing That an Airy and Pleasant Situation . . .Was Surrounded with New Buildings

Christian Milne (1773-after 1816)
To a Lady, Who Did Me the Honour to Call at My House
Sent with a Flower Pot, Begging a Slip of Geranium
a Lady, Who Spoke with Some Ill-Nature of the
Advertisement of My Little Work in the ''Aberdeen Journal"
To a Gentleman, Desirous of Seeing My Manuscripts
Song (''At eve, when Dee's transparent stream")

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855)
Winter Scenery, January, 1809
To Mr. Lucas

Elizabeth Moody (d. 1814)
To Dr. Darwin, On Reading His Loves of the Plants
To Sleep, a Song
The Housewife; or, The Muse Learning to Ride the Great Horse Heroic

Hannah More (1745-1833)
The Black Slave Trade. A Poem

Countess of Morley (1781-1857)
A Party of Pleasure up the River Tamer

Carolina, Baroness Nairne (1766-1845)
The Laird o' Cockpen
Caller Herrin'
The Lass o' Gowrie
John Tod
The Land o' the Leal

Caroline Norton (1808-1877)
I Do Not Love Thee
The Faithless Knight
We Have Been Friends Together
The Arab's Farewell to His Horse

Henrietta O'Neill (1758-1793)
Ode to the Poppy

Amelia Opie (1769-1853)
Ode: Written on the Opening of the Last Campaign
Stanzas Written under Aeolus's Harp
Allen Brooke, of Windermere
An Evening Walk at Cromer
Song ("I know you false")
Song ("Go, youth beloved")
The Despairing Wanderer

Isabel Pagan (c. 1741-1821)
Ca' the Ewes to the Knowes
The Crook and Plaid
Account of the Author's Lifetime
A New Love Song, with the Answer

The Answer
On Burns and Ramsay
A Letter
The Spinning Wheel
A Love Letter
Muirkirk Light Weights

Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823)
To the Nightingale
Song of a Spirit
The First Hour of Morning
Sonnet ("Now the bat circles on the breeze of eve")
To Melancholy
The Sea-Nymph
Storied Sonnet
Shakspeare's Cliff
To the River Dove
The Sea-Mew
On a First View of the Group Called the Seven Mountains
A Second View of the Seven Mountains

Emma Roberts (1794?-1840)
Song ("Upon the Ganges' regal stream")

Mary Robinson (1758-1800)
The Linnet's Petition
Second Ode to the Nightingale
The Maniac
Stanzas Written after Successive Nights of Melancholy Dreams
Marie Antoinette's Lamentation
London's Summer Morning
January, 1795
The Lascar
The Negro Girl

The Haunted Beach
The Alien Boy
To the Poet Coleridge
The Camp
The Poet's Garret
The Lady of the Black Tower

Anna Seward (1742-1809)
Sonnet IV. To Honora Sneyd, Whose Health Was Always Best in Winter
Sonnet VII. ("By Derwent's rapid stream as oft I stray'd")
Sonnet x. To Honora Sneyd
Sonnet xv. Written on Rising Ground near Lichfield
Sonnet XVIII. An Evening in November
Sonnet XIX. To ---
Sonnet LXVII. On Doctor Johnson's Unjust Criticisms
Sonnet LXVIII. On the Posthumous Fame of Doctor Johnson
Sonnet LXXI. To the Poppy
Sonnet LXXXI. On a Lock of Miss Sarah Seward's Hair
Sonnet xcv. ("On the damp margin of the sea-beat shore")

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851)
Stanzas ("O, come to me in dreams, my love!")

Charlotte Smith (1749-1806)
Sonnet r. The Partial Muse
Sonnet II. Written at the Close of Spring
Sonnet III. To a Nightingale
Sonnet IV. To the Moon
Sonnet v. To the South Downs
Sonnet VII. On the Departure of the Nightingale
Sonnet VIII . To Spring
Sonnet xxr. Supposed to Be Written by Werter
Sonnet XXXIX. To Night
Sonnet XLIV. Written in the Church-Yard at Middleton in Sussex
Sonnet LXVII. On Passing over a Dreary Tract of Country, and near the Ruins of a Deserted Chapel, during a Tempest
Sonnet LXX. On Being Cautioned against Walking on an Headland Overlooking the Sea, Because It Was Frequented by a Lunatic
The Swallow
Beachy Head

Agnes Strickland (1796-1874)
The Earthquake of Callao
To the Spirit of Dreams
The Enfranchised; or, The Butterfly's First Flight
The Self-Devoted

Ann Taylor (1782-1866) and Jane Taylor (1783-1824)
The Little Bird's Complaint to His Mistress
The Mistress's Reply to Her Little Bird
The Cow and the Ass
The Star
The Squire's Pew
A Pair
from "Philip-A Fragment"

Mary Tighe (1772-1810)
from Psyche
On Receiving a Branch of Mezereon Which Flowered at Woodstock
Written at Scarborough. August, 1799
Sonnet (' 'As one who late hath lost a friend adored")
Address to My Harp
Sonnet, March 1791
Sonnet (" 'Tis past the cruel anguish of suspence")

Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna (1790-1846)
from Osric, A Missionary Tale

Elizabeth Trejusis (1763-1808)
Aurora, or the Mad Tale Madly Told
The Quarrel

Jane West (1758-1852)
On the Sonnets of Mrs. Charlotte Smith
Sonnet to May

Helen Maria Williams (1761?-1827)
from Peru
Sonnet to Twilight
from ''An Epistle to Dr. Moore"
A Song ("No riches from his scanty store")
Elegy on a Young Thrush
Sonnet to the Moon
from A Farewell, for Two Years, to England. A Poem
To Dr. Moore, in Answer to a Poetical Epistle Written to Me by Him in Wales, September 1791
Sonnet to the Curlew
Sonnet to the White-Bird of the Tropic
Sonnet to the Torrid Zone
Hymn, Written among the Alps
To James Forbes, Esq. on His Bringing Me Flowers from Vaucluse
To a Friend, Who Sent Me Flowers, When Confined by Illness

Dorothy Wordsworth (1771-1855)
An Address to a Child in a High Wind
To My Niece Dorothy, a Sleepless Baby

Ann Yearsley (1752-1806)
The Captive Linnet

Mary Julia Young (fl. 1789-1808)
An Ode to Fancy
Sonnet to Dreams
To Miss ___ on Her Spending Too Much Time at Her Looking Glass
To a Friend, on His Desiring Me to Publish