The Berlin Observatory

The original location of the Berlin Observatory, shown on this map as Markthalle II:

File:Berlin Markthalle II Lageplan.jpg

The Berlin Observatory first opened in 1835 and was eventually moved and split into several locations across Berlin and even other parts of Germany, like the Babelsberg Observatory in Potsdam. On September 4th, 1846, it was the site of the planet Neptune's discovery by Johann Gottfried Galle and his student, Louis d'Arrest. 




Latitude: 52.503837810968
Longitude: 13.391819000244

Timeline of Events Associated with The Berlin Observatory

Date Event Manage
23 Sep 1846

The Discovery of Neptune

The mathematicians John Couch Adams of England and Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier of France both individually concluded that there should be another planet in the solar system using calculations based on the orbit of Uranus. Adams attempted to confirm his hypothesis by contacting the Royal Observatory and Cambridge, but both were unsuccessful. At the same time, Leverrier contacted Johann Gottfried Galle of the Berlin Observatory. Using their refracting telescope, Galle and his student Louis d'Arrest discovered Neptune on 23rd September 1846.



Johann Gottfried Galle