A Peep at the Pixies by Anna Eliza Bray


Bray'A Peep at the Pixies or Legends of the West retells some of Bray's stories of pixies for a younger audience. Christina Rossetti was heavily influenced by this work for her poem "Goblin Market". Christina Rossett originally titled the poem "A Peep at the Goblins" as it was an "imitation of my cousin Mrs. Bary's 'A Peep at the Pixies'". However, before publication, the poem was retitled. Bray's work includes a tale titled "The Lady of the Silver Bell", a young girl Serena of Tintagel is enchanted by a handsome man and his music that prevents her from completing her devotions. Serena is enchanted by the music and longs to hear it again. In hopes of getting rid of the pixie's curse, Serena seeks a wizard who will help her get rid of it with a spell. She is instructed to say the spell at the top of the waterfall and before she can complete it, she falls and dies. This tale has a sad ending while "Goblin Market" ends on a brighter and positive note. 

"The Lady of the Silver Bell"

Associated Place(s)
