The Tailor and Cutter and London Art Journal

This journal goes into excessive detail on the expected trends and standards for the upcoming season. The segment pictured is from the editor to viewers who have written in. Here, a woman has written in asking about how to fix the tightness and discomfort of her long skirts, and the editor replies with the solution of cutting a slit into the skirt. This was a fashion trend new to the 19th-century, and it was only just becoming acceptable among women to cut slits in their clothes so as to allow for more movement. This trusted art journal serves as evidence of the changing expectations surrounding women's clothing.

Williamson, John. “The Editor’s Table.” The Tailor and Cutter and London Art Journal: An Index of Cutting, Fashion, and Trade, XXV, 1 Mar. 1890, pp. 76–76.

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Event date:

1 Mar 1890