Population Growth and Demographic Shifts


New Jersey is one of the most diverse states in the U.S., with a significant percentage of its population being foreign-born. The map of foreign-born residents by county in 2023 highlights areas such as Hudson, Bergen, and Middlesex counties, which have some of the highest concentrations of immigrants, ranging from 31.6% to 40.7% of the population. These regions are hubs for cultural diversity, contributing to the state's rich cultural and economic landscape.

The line graph provides additional insight into the racial and ethnic composition of foreign-born residents in New Jersey from 2010 to 2023. Over the years, Hispanic and Asian immigrants have made up the majority of the foreign-born population, with steady increases in representation. This diversity not only enriches New Jersey’s culture but also bolsters its economy through workforce contributions and entrepreneurial ventures.

Combined, these visualizations underscore the critical role of immigration in shaping the state’s identity, reflecting a long-standing tradition of welcoming and integrating people from around the globe.

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