"Lichtenstein Castle, Germany: A Real-Life Fantasy Castle." by o palsson is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Germany as a country has been around for thousands of years, but it's importance really picked up in the 18th and 19th century. Britain and Germany fought together against Napoleon and their relationship continued until early 20th century. After Napoleon was defeated, Germany's leaders met together to establish parliment and to redraw lines of states in 1814-1815.
In the novel, Frankenstein, Germany is mentioned quite a few times, mainly through it's cities and states. However, the De Lacy family's cottage is located somewhere in Germany (VOL II, Chapter VI). This is where the creature learns about relationships and how to read and speak. Because the family is orignally from Paris, we see Germany as a refuge for the family. Digging further, the reader gets the idea that Germany is a refuge for other characters as well, such as the creature (who learns there) and Victor (who goes to school there).
German Bundestag - The German unification and freedom movement (1800 - 1848)
War and Peace: A Century of British-German Relations | National Army Museum
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Longitude: 10.451526000000